How's this for strange:
Went out riding today, we stopped in a certain bar/restaurant for lunch at about 11:30 or so. Waitress brings menus, takes drink order, leaves for a bit. A few minutes later comes back to take our orders.
This is the conversation that followed
Waitress: What can I get you?
Me: I'll have the chicken quesedilla
Waitress: Oh, sorry. That's on the lunch menu, we don't start serving that until 12
Me: Oh, you have a breakfast menu or something then?
Waitress: No, actually. We stop serving breakfast at 11
Me: Umm...ok. What can I get then?
Waitress: Nothing, but I can put your order in right now for lunch
Me: You think you could've maybe mentioned that we couldn't get anything before bringing us menus and asking what we wanted?
Waitress: *blank, confused look*
Me: Right...on to the next place!
Went out riding today, we stopped in a certain bar/restaurant for lunch at about 11:30 or so. Waitress brings menus, takes drink order, leaves for a bit. A few minutes later comes back to take our orders.
This is the conversation that followed
Waitress: What can I get you?
Me: I'll have the chicken quesedilla
Waitress: Oh, sorry. That's on the lunch menu, we don't start serving that until 12
Me: Oh, you have a breakfast menu or something then?
Waitress: No, actually. We stop serving breakfast at 11
Me: Umm...ok. What can I get then?
Waitress: Nothing, but I can put your order in right now for lunch
Me: You think you could've maybe mentioned that we couldn't get anything before bringing us menus and asking what we wanted?
Waitress: *blank, confused look*
Me: Right...on to the next place!
...what are you doing onlie at this hours?
Do you know any parties happening this or next week?