Holy crap I broke myself last night.
Typical of my luck. I meet a girl. I like her, she likes me. Everything is peachy. Until we've been dating for 2 weeks and she then gets told that she's getting sent to Portland for 2-6 months, then transferred to VA in March. 

.....And I'm back.....

Welcome back.
Mad end-of-year rush is over. I actually get days off on occasion now.
Ah the crazy rollercoaster of love, loss, and life in general....

Hi there! I'm in Maui and I'm looking for people to hang out with! Can I be admitted into Sg808? What island are you on?
Uh oh I might be in trouble. The good kind, that is
Should be interesting to see how this one works out.

Should be interesting to see how this one works out.
Finally watching Haywire and all I can say is, getting triangle choked by Gina Carano would be a perfectly acceptable way to die.
That is all.
That is all.
Work work work. Seems like that's all I do.
This weekend, however, I'm planting my ass in a hammock on the beach and only getting up to get beer and go spear fish.
This weekend, however, I'm planting my ass in a hammock on the beach and only getting up to get beer and go spear fish.
I have a new crush. Hooo boy it's a bad one. This girl is way hot.
Also, I'm drinking quite a bit more than is surely healthy.

Also, I'm drinking quite a bit more than is surely healthy.

Good luck with the crush AND the drinking. We all go through phases like that though. Hope you come out of yours soon