today is my brother's birthday. happy birthday pete. he's 16.
one day you are sitting. you are sitting at a bus stop and you are thinking about your decisions. you are thinking about your reasons and your limitations. but then you realize there shouldn't be such things as limitations. and you realize reason isn't important either. and you sit there waiting for your ride and you smell the air. you hold your head up to the sky and take a big wiff of everything you have always known. from the fresh cut grass to the stale gas station to the overhanging lilacs to the ever pungent dead fish smell. you smile and come to a final decision. you board the bus and take it to the end of the line without preparation. without reservation. this time is for now. and life begins...
one day you are sitting. you are sitting at a bus stop and you are thinking about your decisions. you are thinking about your reasons and your limitations. but then you realize there shouldn't be such things as limitations. and you realize reason isn't important either. and you sit there waiting for your ride and you smell the air. you hold your head up to the sky and take a big wiff of everything you have always known. from the fresh cut grass to the stale gas station to the overhanging lilacs to the ever pungent dead fish smell. you smile and come to a final decision. you board the bus and take it to the end of the line without preparation. without reservation. this time is for now. and life begins...
aww 16, probably the best year of my life..
listen to the warning the seer he said
beware the storm that gathers here
listen to the wise man!
Actually Prophet Song is one of my favorites too. It was one of the first Queen songs I heard (other than the essentials that you hear at Sports games and Boh. Rhapsody). The section in the middle with all the crazy vocal overlays (I'm assuming they're using an echoplex, as was Brian May's fancy) is so characteristic of Queen.