Our choices can be influenced by so many things. The real trick is knowing when to listen to others and when to go with your instinct. I have held back for a while now and I am stuck. I am currently attending school and I am enjoying it for the most part, but I am not like everyone else who needs college to become a lawyer or a doctor. I am going to school to learn more about the arts, especially music. I want to spend my life surrounded by art.
I have a great desire to move out to the west coast. Whether it be San Francisco or Seattle, I really feel attached to those places and I know it would be a better living environment for me. Not like there is anything wrong with NYC, but I don't live in NYC, I live in the snobby suburbs in Westchester. And as cool as NYC is, I connect better with the west coast. And the people out there are fantastic and I want to be a part of their lives.
So I guess my choice is this: Go out there and start my life in the place I want to live and maybe pickup school at some local community college -- OR -- stay here where I don't want to live and go to a fine liberal arts school with some great professors. I have always told my friends to follow their hearts because that is what really matters when it comes to decision making. But then why is it so hard to decide this time? I know I want to live out there and if it wasn't for NYC's music scene, it would be a very simple decision.
What do you think about this? Is any solution standing out to you? What is more important - where you live or how you live? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I have a great desire to move out to the west coast. Whether it be San Francisco or Seattle, I really feel attached to those places and I know it would be a better living environment for me. Not like there is anything wrong with NYC, but I don't live in NYC, I live in the snobby suburbs in Westchester. And as cool as NYC is, I connect better with the west coast. And the people out there are fantastic and I want to be a part of their lives.
So I guess my choice is this: Go out there and start my life in the place I want to live and maybe pickup school at some local community college -- OR -- stay here where I don't want to live and go to a fine liberal arts school with some great professors. I have always told my friends to follow their hearts because that is what really matters when it comes to decision making. But then why is it so hard to decide this time? I know I want to live out there and if it wasn't for NYC's music scene, it would be a very simple decision.
What do you think about this? Is any solution standing out to you? What is more important - where you live or how you live? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
moved to la a month ago
moving back monday