And with that answer I slammed my fist against the pillar. Why was this the way the leaves had to fall? I sat down defeated by my own tantrum. There I sat, alone, for three days and four nights. I didn't make a sound. Was this what fate was all about? Was fate about having nothing in the end? What was hope for? Was hope just a sick device used to keep me sane until i had finally realized what was really going on?
And then everything changed. Within a single moment, my despair was forgotten. She changed my world. It was as if she descended from the heavens above. She came down and lifted me up, but instead of dusting off my spirits, she bleached them clean. She made everything whole again. Hope was restored unlike anything else I had ever known. And if you could have seen her glow. Man, her glow was tremendous. You know when something has such a nice light hue to it and while that glow is dull and soft it's at the same time sharp and bright? And you can't take your eyes off of it? That's what it was like, only better. And my heart, complete as if it had been given a long deserved oil change. Everything had gone from empty to whole. She changed my life and restored my faith. I didn't believe in angels until she came along.
And then everything changed. Within a single moment, my despair was forgotten. She changed my world. It was as if she descended from the heavens above. She came down and lifted me up, but instead of dusting off my spirits, she bleached them clean. She made everything whole again. Hope was restored unlike anything else I had ever known. And if you could have seen her glow. Man, her glow was tremendous. You know when something has such a nice light hue to it and while that glow is dull and soft it's at the same time sharp and bright? And you can't take your eyes off of it? That's what it was like, only better. And my heart, complete as if it had been given a long deserved oil change. Everything had gone from empty to whole. She changed my life and restored my faith. I didn't believe in angels until she came along.
Thats really nice to read.. some people can have the most profound effect on others.. i wish i could meet someone like that
Suoda is superduperbercool.