Yes... way too many people talk in movie theaters nowadays. There really should be a coalition that goes around and annihilates these people. What ever happened to people being silent and soaking up a film and then trying to piece everything together at the end? Why is it that people find it so necessary to have everything explained to them instantly? People are forgetting to use their own brains and are relying on other people's thoughts and opinions to base their own upon. People need to dream and get caught up in things more.
OH! please come to SF then! you'll LOVE what a movie theater turns into over here! it's like watching a sitcom with cued canned laughter and donahue style clapping. I had the misfortune of watching TRUE LIES on opening night in SF and the freakin people went nuts over any move schwarzenegger made. we're talkin clapping, screaming, throwing popcorn at the terrorists. there was absolute madness reigning supreme. I'm just used to tucson theaters where everyone is there to waste time while waiting to die. i don't really mind the chaos though. so long as it's not completely unruly.
Man, you should try seeing a movie in Hong Kong or SE Asia. Nobody turns their cell phones off, people have loud conversations throughout, the audiences are crazy and boistorous, and none of it considered rude. And going "shhh!" is considered funny...