Thy hand, Belinda! Darkness shades me;
On thy bosom let me rest.
More I would - but death invades me:
Death is now a welcome guest.
When I am laid, am laid in earth
May my wrongs create
No trouble, no trouble in thy breast;
No trouble, no trouble in thy breast;
Remember me ... remember me, but ah,
forget my fate;
Remember me ... remember me, but ah,
forget my fate.
(stabs herself)
On thy bosom let me rest.
More I would - but death invades me:
Death is now a welcome guest.
When I am laid, am laid in earth
May my wrongs create
No trouble, no trouble in thy breast;
No trouble, no trouble in thy breast;
Remember me ... remember me, but ah,
forget my fate;
Remember me ... remember me, but ah,
forget my fate.
(stabs herself)
American Beauty, Psycho, Carrie, The Untouchables (best film ever) Jaws, Alien, ALmost Famous, The Wall, The Matrix, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Newst, he Shining, Goodfellas, Apocalypse Now.. and a bunch of other good ones. I love this class.