Okay... today we are gonna try something that could turn out quite lame.
Do you guys have any burning curiosities about me?
That is the entry for today. I feel like I should put up some super witty journal entry that is bursting at the seams with creative genius, but this is what I came up with today... bear with me...
I will get you started....
Hello. My name is Alex and I pray I will get to play guitar for Dr. Teeth & The Electric Mayhem (from the Muppet Movie).
Do you guys have any burning curiosities about me?
That is the entry for today. I feel like I should put up some super witty journal entry that is bursting at the seams with creative genius, but this is what I came up with today... bear with me...
I will get you started....
Hello. My name is Alex and I pray I will get to play guitar for Dr. Teeth & The Electric Mayhem (from the Muppet Movie).
Hello. I'm Joscelyne and I enjoy eating plain cereal in icy cold whole milk preferably after midnight. By plain I mean cheerios, crispix, corn flakes and the like.