If you should happen upon this, I just wanted to let you know, again, in front of all of cyberspace, that I'm sorry. I haven't got the words to say how sorry and brokenhearted I feel. Even with all my pedantic, literary snob vocabulary skills, I can't begin to find the words. I love you. I do.
I don't think I've ever felt this awful. I'm going to find my fucking ativan, have a drink or seven, and bawl my fucking eyes out. Because I feel like a shitty human being, and no condolences, sympathy, or reasoning is going to change that.
Yeah, I'm being a bit histrionic. Venting here keeps me from fighting with inanimate objects in my house, though, so it's not all bad. It just kills me to cause people pain, and this is the best forum I have for venting. Lucille has had enough of it already, bless her heart.
Sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt.
There are tears of things and human matters touch the mind.
So true.
Omnia vincit amor.
Love conquers all.
"Omnia vincit amor" is the source for our "love conquers all" cliche. It is taken from Ovid's story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Anyone who has read the ENTIRE story knows that love does NOT conquer all. Orpheus convinces Pluto to give Eurydice back to him, but he loses her again, forever, a few moments later because he can't help but look back. He couldn't help but look back at her, he just couldn't, and that's how he lost her. His very nature tore him apart from her forever. Some things just aren't fucking meant to be.
its crazy how it happens, but it does. i said the same thing. i sang twice.
word of advice: do not sing Deuce if you expect to be served more beer afterwards. they denied my right after my number. bitches.