Happy New Year to all, eh?
2007 is off to a good start. Sean is employed (with a better job than mine, lucky fucker) and I am starting to feel settled and calm. I still maintain Oregon is good for my nerves, but it's just been a long few months getting settled. I have to deal with school shit now, and try to get enrolled for spring semester. Yay college? I guess I can't argue with any chance to put off being a real grown-up. And truth be told, I'm stoked to be getting back into school. My brain feels so useless in day to day life, and I'm afraid it's going to get squishy if I don't engage it more.
Thinking about getting a library card now that I'm a resident... they charge non-Oregonians $85 for a fucking library card. Thinking about getting an Oregon ID, too. Oh, and on the ID subject... if anybody knows anyone that looks like me that's 21+ and would be interested in selling their ID to me, that'd be lovely because people have been on my ass to come out to the bars lately and I have to keep turning them down.
I got a new camera for Christmas, so as soon as I get all the shit installed I'll post a photo blog of more recent pics of me and pics of the boy and the cat and such.
Anyway, off I go.
2007 is off to a good start. Sean is employed (with a better job than mine, lucky fucker) and I am starting to feel settled and calm. I still maintain Oregon is good for my nerves, but it's just been a long few months getting settled. I have to deal with school shit now, and try to get enrolled for spring semester. Yay college? I guess I can't argue with any chance to put off being a real grown-up. And truth be told, I'm stoked to be getting back into school. My brain feels so useless in day to day life, and I'm afraid it's going to get squishy if I don't engage it more.
Thinking about getting a library card now that I'm a resident... they charge non-Oregonians $85 for a fucking library card. Thinking about getting an Oregon ID, too. Oh, and on the ID subject... if anybody knows anyone that looks like me that's 21+ and would be interested in selling their ID to me, that'd be lovely because people have been on my ass to come out to the bars lately and I have to keep turning them down.
I got a new camera for Christmas, so as soon as I get all the shit installed I'll post a photo blog of more recent pics of me and pics of the boy and the cat and such.
Anyway, off I go.
I never had my dreads taken care of professionally when they grew. they just dreaded up on their own. I kind of needed to loop in some stray hairs, but Jake was willing to do that. but yeah, as long as you have a good friend to work on your hair, the "professionals" aren't really much better.
I spent over twenty hours dreading my roommate's hair, so she would probably do mine. or I've got a friend back in Iowa that I'm sure would do it. but I don't plan on doing it any time soon, so...