James is back! Never thought I'd be so happy to see the fucker. But he's way way WAY better than dealing with stupid roommate bullshit. (GIMME MY MONEY, FOOL!)
Aside from that, I found me a job but it's lame. I work at a call center, woohoo. Maybe I WILL apply to be an SG... everyone I know on the site has told me to, but I guess I'm just lame like that.
I'm trying to spange for new tats, so anyone that wants to contribute (although I doubt anyone will) should let me know ASAP. I'm sure we can work SOMETHING out.
Anyway, just updating. I'll be back in the good ol' DMI over the holidays, but not for long. I'll mostly be in Minneapolis, so holla atcha gurrrrrl if you see me on the street.
Oh, and I got a kitten. Her name is Skitz and she plays fetch, making her cooler than you. (Do YOU play fetch? Didn't think so.)
Aside from that, I found me a job but it's lame. I work at a call center, woohoo. Maybe I WILL apply to be an SG... everyone I know on the site has told me to, but I guess I'm just lame like that.
I'm trying to spange for new tats, so anyone that wants to contribute (although I doubt anyone will) should let me know ASAP. I'm sure we can work SOMETHING out.

Anyway, just updating. I'll be back in the good ol' DMI over the holidays, but not for long. I'll mostly be in Minneapolis, so holla atcha gurrrrrl if you see me on the street.
Oh, and I got a kitten. Her name is Skitz and she plays fetch, making her cooler than you. (Do YOU play fetch? Didn't think so.)
thats too close to not come to Atlanta at least for a day... maybe night