I have terrible insomnia right now and feel exhausted almost all of the time. You can see me dragging my arse along the streets of Leicestershire.
So far my new years resolutions are going down the toilet. I'm supposed to be giving up smoking cigarettes, unless it's mixed with something else, but that isn't going so well. My next new years resolution which I have to, have to, go through with is a parachute jump. The weather conditions aren't right at the moment aparently so I've been told that I'll have to wait until spring. It's so that I can raise money for charity but I'm a little stuck with what charity to donate it to now. I was going to donate towards children orphaned by aids in Africa, but I don't know whether to donate it towards Tsunamii aid. I don't whether it'll be too late in Spring? And I feel bad about choosing between the two.
Anyway I'm off to get merry and stoned, sort out my moral dilemma and I'll give you a kiss
So far my new years resolutions are going down the toilet. I'm supposed to be giving up smoking cigarettes, unless it's mixed with something else, but that isn't going so well. My next new years resolution which I have to, have to, go through with is a parachute jump. The weather conditions aren't right at the moment aparently so I've been told that I'll have to wait until spring. It's so that I can raise money for charity but I'm a little stuck with what charity to donate it to now. I was going to donate towards children orphaned by aids in Africa, but I don't know whether to donate it towards Tsunamii aid. I don't whether it'll be too late in Spring? And I feel bad about choosing between the two.
Anyway I'm off to get merry and stoned, sort out my moral dilemma and I'll give you a kiss

glad to see you're back, and i'll work on angie.