old self, "new and improved" old self, or just yourself, I'm glad you're getting your grove back.
Ready to get pierced! I'm done having babies and now its time to treat myself!!

Anyone know of any experienced piercers near Fort Riley, Kansas? I really want my cheeks done, but I really want to play it safe smile . I'm a bit tired and finally losing the baby weight from 3 months ago! Yay me!! Now, its time to treat myself. I got my...
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nice to know you're still around & kicking.
For sure! I'm not leaving SG! Thanks for commenting on my posts, I really do appreciate it smile I'm just starting to feel like my old self again and will be on more as I get back in my old groove...
My brother and his wife came to visit today!

I'm excited because he has been stationed in Japan forever and finally came back to the states last month. Finally, after 3 long years, I got to see my brother!!

He still looks the same and fussing at me about not doing to much around the house because of my surgery. I love him so much...
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Hi everyone! I've been MIA for a bit, huh? Well, fantastic things have been occuring in my life over the past weeks.

I gave birth to my beautiful bundle of joy, Jasmine! She's such a happy baby. Jasmine was an unexpected delivery on June 11. She was 6lbs and is doing wonderfully.

I'm going to try to get on here more often, but be warned,...
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Yay! I'm here and settled in (finally). All of the stress has gone away and now its time to focus on baby Jasmine. She will be here sometime this month....
After feeling the need to nest for so long and not being able to, I started yesterday and wore myself out.
Bed together, check
infant clothes washed, check
Bottles sorted, check
Diapers set in convenient...
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glad you made it safe & sound, & good luck on the final stages until Jasmine arrives [love the name smile ].
As to Kansas, just stick to the Eastern half of the state. Western Kansas = hell. Trust me, I know this.
Pregnancy is so stressful during a move...
Or should I say, moving is so stressful during pregnancy?

Either way, I'm stressed to the top! Jasmine wants out and I want her to wait until I get moved to my new home...
2 days to go and then we hit the road for an 11 hour trip one way!

Getting this house packed has taken up...
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good luck with the move.
Thank you!!smile

Today started of a bit fast!

For some odd reason, I awoke and immediately started looking for my phone...couldn't find it.
I jumped from my bed like I wasn't pregnant and hunted for it on the floor....no luck.
Frantically, I threw back the covers to reveal nothing and checked under the pillows...nope..

I flew down the hallway like there was an urgent reason...
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what a lovely written and fun tale. Sorry for the scare, but really, you do write very well. love
Oh, & be careful "marking" your territory in Kentucky, I've had all the Territorial Pissing I can stand wink
Well written!! I've done that a few times with my phone...ugh!!

I'm going to miss you most, Ms. Sunshine!!!! kisskisskiss

Why does this have to happen to me right now? One minute, yes. The next minute, no. Then the next day, yes with conditions.....UGHHH!!!mad
best of luck frown . I hope things are more . . . settled soon.
Oh laundry, why must you taunt me? I love to wear you, feel your clean softness against my warm skin, it feels so good when you wrap your body around mine in a sweet embrace.

But then all your goodness comes to and abrupt end when I have to strip away from your strong arms and toss you away for another lover of the night....
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you really do write quite well!

Thanks! I try. This was from the heart this morning because I have so much laundry to catch up with... I figured I should dedicate part of my blog to it smile