Hi SG land.
Since @saturn's new set just hit member review I thought you guys might want to see some behind the scenes from the day we shot this set. I tried to post blogs the day the multi of and @chrysis sets went up but both failed so hopefully this blog will be the lucky one to work!
I love that Florida is my homebase because I love the girls here and the times we have so much.
they all help each other have the best sets.
I'm so happy to be spending all of January and some of February here in Florida.
I've also finally stopped hiding out and started shooting sets here in Florida. Got to shoot @kingsiren <3 and what a babe!!!
And have been loving the St. Pete weather. Just wanted to say a quick hi and remind you to please Check out all of my sets: I put almost all of my time shooting sets for SG and it would mean the world to see some of these on the front page. See them all:
@chrysis rawr!