Hello SG world.
I'm not really sure how I can catch you up on everything that I've missed since my last blog.... since it's been months. I'm going to try. But not today. That is a task for another day.
For now I thought I would give you a quick, current update. Since I am nomadic I am always somewhere new.
I am currently in the Tampa/ St. Pete Florida area for the winter (January and February). I plan to travel all around Florida while I'm here. :D
I got to shoot the beautiful @arda in Ft. Lauderdale the other day
and am looking forward to so many shoots and hangouts with the Florida SGs. I consider Florida as much of a home as I do Santa Cruz so I am excited to be shooting another round of sets of the girls . Last time I came to town in July we shot some awesome sets!
Speaking of my sets, PLEASE support my photography and check out all of the sets that I have shot for SG.
I promise a more detailed update soon. With tour photos and my photos. Life has been pretty wonderful. I am so grateful for the opportunities and people that I have found through SG. I can't wait to do even more in 2016.