Here is a little highlight reel of the finale' show in New Orleans this past December, at the end of the fall 2013 United States leg of the SG Blackheart Burlesque tour. Thanks so much to @jmstelly and Synthetic Studios for coming and shooting the show for us and for putting together this highlight reel! :) I have to be honest, this barely scratches the surface of the awesome show that SG has put together for you!
If you watch closely, you can see me and the local New Orleans ladies on stage as well at the end of the video when we all come out to stage to celebrate the end of the tour and do an end of tour shot ;)
@wit @nolita @savanna @razzi @bambu @lolana @toxic @vorpal @glitz
I got my passport today!! :) I will be officially managing the tour in Australia and New Zealand in March!! Beyond excited!!!
CLICK HERE For tickets and information
and on instagram @SGBLACKHEARTBURLESQUE <3
who will I get to meet?????
<3 <3 <3
Wild and Free