My birthday is this week!! April 4th woot woot! It is my last year in my 30s and I couldn't be more excited about this bday. I just LOVE my birthday! The feeling of having one more year of experience and memories to call mine. Another new beginning to set new goals and experience new things. Absolutely nothing about aging bothers me. Things just make more and more sense and become more and more clear and I care less and less about bullshit or worry aboutt drama.. So yes! 39....Bring on what's next.
But honestly, it's not JUST my 'actual' birthday I am celebrating this month, BUT it is also my 7 year Suicide Girl birthday as well!
I am celebrating SEVEN years on this awesome website and being part of the coolest (and ONLY), worldwide, sisterhood of badass, traveling, tattooed, independent women, and I couldn't be happier to be here and be a part of the revolution. I have made the best friends, met the most interesting people, and traveled the world taking the incredible opportunities that have come to me through this site. I don't even know how I could recap everything I have done since 2006 in a I won't, just a quick flashback to 7 years ago and then on the present! I've got so much to tell you all and show you all

It has been almost 3 months again since my last blog!
So a quick flashback to the beginning....
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I joined SG in 2005. and in early 06', I applied to SG
My first set was accepted and I went pink April 2006
wooohooo I'm pink!

My very first profile picture

This site has changed me and I have grown so much here, I look at these photos and though I was in my 30s when I started on SG, I look like a kid to myself now, 7 years later. It's crazy how much you change and grow and evolve and become in a decade.
My birthday weekend also marks one year since I started shooting sets for SG.

I shot my first official set on my birthday last year at the SF shootfest of the adorable Cruella,
me shooting Cruella

Cruella- The Captain

I have learned SO much and had so much fun shooting in my first year here, but I still have so much to learn..and so much to improve.....I can't wait for what my second year shooting for SG will bring!

In keeping up my goal to travel for 99% of my shoots, I attended the SG LV shootfest in February. It was one of the best experiences that I have had with SG so far. Amazing girls, perfect location, supportive/collaborating photographers, and a fucking blast!
From here on out, I have used SPOILERS for the rest of the blog since there are so many photos, I didn't want to crash anyone's computer
so make sure to click the spoilers
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Here's some highlights: ....OK, A LOT of highlights from the amazing weekend in Vegas!
Got into town a little bit early to spend some time with one of my best friends and help her with a travel diary series she is working on. I <3 Sawa.
The Go Pro doing work getting footage of the strip.
I shot outtakes of Sawa shooting Terrox for a travel diary series that she is working on

Sawa Terrox and me
We spent the first few nights at Alicee's house before the shootfest started.
pre shootfest slumber party at Alicee's
We decided everyone was drinking out of this penis cup.

that lasted one night at least
The next night we headed to the house!
kemper patton alicee bradley
arriving at the house for the first time!
Zombie seeing the shootfest house for the first time
infinity pool
kemper patton and bradley
Trystin showing Brewin her new tattoo
First night at the house.

Late night hottubbing overlooking the strip
Alicee Alexis and Casanova

Sawa Toxic and Zombie

more shananigans in the hottub

ladies everywhere
Toxic and Zombie giving Alicee bootie shake lessons

don't worry Sawa got video footage for her travel diary
Friday night dance party..aka Prussia's bachelorette party!!!
I am preeeetty sure that Prussia enjoyed her last night of singleness
The next day was all about shooting. here are a ton of SG Photographers in action shooting sets.
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Brooklyn shooting Milloux with help from Kemper, Kurosune,
this is literally right outside of french doors that were in my bedroom. Not a bad sight to wake up to, eh?

reviewing the set they just shot
me shooting Damsel
Sawa shooting Bradley
Kemper Dimples and Brewin hanging out
DarrylDarko shooting me with Alicee in the middle
Brooklyn shooting Trystin with help from Fabrizia, Exning, Brewin,


reviewing the shots
so adorable-one of my favorite candids I've ever taken.
Thelabrat shooting Haydin (on my bed)
Milloux shooting Ackley for Rawk Baby
Damsel shooting poloroids of Alicee and Slamm for Knitted and Naked
Brooklyn shooting Kurosune with help from Brewin
Sawa shooting Annathesia

Darryl shooting Brewin
Sawa shooting Selene with help from Jensen
Fabrizia took an outtake of me shooting Slamm
Annesthesia took an outtake of me shooting Haydin with help from Selene and Kurosune
me and the adorable Jensen right after we finished shooting her set
Then after a long day of shooting, we got all dolled up and went to
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she was such a beautiful bride!!!
exning toxic ackley zombie
it was Starwars themed and Terrox was the wookie of honor! It was amazing!
Damsel caught the bouquet.
She actually got engaged less than 2 months later.... must be true!
Saturday night after the wedding....
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We celebrated Prussia's wedding and birthdays for Kurosune and Bradley
my south american loves! Prussia and Terrox
This was really one of the best times ever! I am so grateful to have been a part of it!
Oh yeah, the house had a bowling alley!

Mark it ZERO!
Vegas shootfest butt line up

(you can buy prints of the professional version of this image from DarrylDarko).
Now that I have been home about a month..... I prepped some photos from the shootfest from upcoming sg sets, a few of them have to wait their turn to go into the queue as the girls have shot with other photographers.....But here is some of
Bringing out the pinup in every girl!
And the coolest thing to happen to me in a while 
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The Columbus Dispatch did an article on the popularity of pinup and boudoir photography in Columbus, Ohio. It was pretty cool, they interviewed me and shot some photos of me during one of my shoots (thanks to a brave client), and when they published the story, they actually put it on the cover. It was a pretty exciting moment.

the Columbus Dispatch building - printing the news for 141 years.
Unfortunately (for the article, not for Austin girls

)....Alissa was in Austin when they called to interview me for the article.....and when I elaborated about the Suicide Girls aspect of our business and the travel and the professional (non boudoir) and tried to plug SG...... they choose to cut it out of the article and summed it up with the statement. "Sunshine started the business in 2008 with a friend". haha Which kind of sucked being as Alissa and I both shoot for PPP, and started it together and we both live in Cbus, but it was the only downfall of the article. And other than that, it was pretty amazing to be on the cover of the paper for a business that I started.
Want to see more of our pinups?!!
Follow Powder Puff Pinups on facebook
As Suicide Girls takes over the world and more and more ladies want to be pinups, the pinup photography business that Alissa and I started 4 years ago has grown a bit too we decided it was time to add to our team of ladies who travel the world "bringing out the pinup in every girl", and we have added Sawa, Waikiki and Gossip. But don't worry, all of these girls will still be shooting their normal SG sets as staff photographers for SG,

they will just now offer additional private, for your eyes only, pinup and/or boudoir shoots through Powder Puff Pinups, as well. <3
So, if you've always wanted to have a shoot done, let me know!

I have shoots open all over the US and Europe.
I have just a few openings left in LA on April 6 and 7. Or we have another LA date on May 11 and 12th.

email me at to ask questions or book a shoot.
And last but definitely not least...
Since my last blog I have had new 7 sets go into member review! If you haven't seen them yet, I would love it if you checked them out and left them some love:
So excited about my next set coming to MR, one of my good friends, the adorable Alicee coming to member review on May 2
shot in Las Vegas the morning before the shootfest kicked off -Feb 2013

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If you are anywhere in or around the midwest or are due for a vacation, you should get your butt Columbus, Ohio for Hell City Tattoo Festival April 19, 20 and 21st!
I will be running the Suicide Girls booth, selling the rad merch we have with no shipping and wrangling approximately 65 (at last count) probably be closer to 100 Suicide Girls!
One of the best times of the year in Ohio, and one of the best tattoo conventions in the country!
yes, I am recycling pictures from 2006 AND last year ...

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We wanted to announce the date for the next Suicide Girls Ohio party weekend!
Alissa and I will be hosting a party in downtown Columbus on Friday May 31st!
and then on Saturday June 1st, Smayx will be hosting a foam party in Cleveland, just 3 hours north of Columbus.
Come for the weekend and attend both parties
OK, Well, that's it for now, time to get back to work!!
here's some inspiration for ya'll

Kisses and Hugs lady bugs.
Wild and Free
<3 <3 <3