I've got San Francisco shootfest pictures AND Hell City Tattoo Festival SG booth pics from Columbus, Ohio this past weekend....coming up soon! I'm working on that blog! It's been an amazing month!
But I digress to the aforementioned rant,

First off, negative comments are not posted for public viewing, so it doesn't attract people who make negative comments just to get attention.
Second, people who do make negative comments are pretty much ostracized from the community, and if not, removed from the site (zotted by staff).
And as a model, since you can't see the negative comments anyway, it allows you to really not care why the 2 people out of 100 didn't like your set instead of obsessing over it.
The overall culture that has been created between the girls that love the site and stay around here, and the members who are willing to pay $4 a month to be a part of the site because they see that it is more than just boobies .... and enjoy encouraging girls to create art and be strong is just so awesome.
So here's my little thanks to all of the members pay $4 to be a part of SG and support the beautiful girls who model for this site

<3 it here.
had so much fun at hell city with all of the girls.
While haters are posting negative comments and making fun of people, we are modeling, having fun, meeting great people in our community and taking more pretty pics for them to look at
bought a new Sunshine sticker to add to my laptop. it's me.
Oh yeah, and then there's this little snipit of fun...... I got to Columbus, OH after a 28 hour straight drive.... I text Alissa to stop by and hang out and after about an hour of hanging out and catching up....we realize....we are in the same outfit, down to the non-matching navy blue awkwardly long 1980s style under layer.
I have the XL version, Alissa has the XS version.
bhahahaha- I guess when you hang out approximately every day for 6 years straight...even when you move across the country, you still think alike hahahhhahahaha
But don't worry, even living in separate places, we are planning on teaming up a to do some really big things together in the future all OVER the US
Another update coming soon, with past event photos and future events travel.<3
Wild and Free
(even more now than I ever used to be)
My photography page on facebook
on instagram: SunnieSunshine & PowderPuff Pinuips
Oh yeah, and SG is light years past Facebook!