I just got back from the SF SG shootfest and I am dying to update you about that....but that will have to wait for my next blog. First....my updates from OHIO!

Traveling all over the US for photoshoots, writing and fun!

I am loving far northern California!! Retreating to the woods after amazing adventures is perfect.

I am dealing with my missing my Columbus friends by going back to visit as much as I can. I am so excited to be heading back for my second trip in May for

I will be there running the SG booth and there will be a ton of SGs there this year hanging out, taking pictures and selling SG merch (at a discount, with no shipping

If you are anywhere near Columbus in the first weekend of May,Hell City is one of the most awesome events of the year... The best tattoo artists in the world, awesome, entertainment, shopping and of course, about 50 of your favorite SGs running around partying.

Seriously one of my favorite times of the year.
Now to update you about my FIRST visit back to Columbus. Yes I moved here in January, and I already visited once and will be back in May. What can I say, I love cbus

It was a whirlwind trip. In 10 days. I shot 15 girls, raged at the Suicide Girl party, hung out and perved on 6 of Alissa's shoots, worked a bar shift at my bar, got my hair colored, got tatttooed, and even found some time to grab dinner with a girlfriend or 2 and have a few sleepovers.
My voice disappeared, along with Alissa and we ran around sounding like Selma and Patty for a few days. Good times....

here's some photo highlights of the shananigans:
The SG party!!!
I did some shoots....It's been one of my dream places to shoot, so I finally rented out Flower Child Vintage Shop for a morning of shoots with a few of my girlfriends and did some portfolio photos for Powder Puff PInups with Frolic, Roarke, Annastasia, and Phecda.
I prepped a few of Frolic right away since she has a new set out
see the new set here!!
but I am working on finishing them all soon, so by the next blog I should have more for you
a little bit vintage
So many more to come from this day
Notice the adorable girl in the background of this shot....
Alissa shot a girlfriend of mine from the bar I work at..... so excited. she's such a sweetheart, I'd love to see her go pink!
Speaking of Alissa shooting......
Since I've moved.....I sure missed documenting Alissa's shooting. I love shooting myself, but I miss having my teacher and mentor around on the daily to help me and inspire me
BUT....you can't have your cake and eat it too......and I moved to California....SO instead of whining about it..... I took full advantage of the time I had back in Columbus!!
here's the behind the scenes from Alissa's shoots
Another day of shoots and hangouts in Ohio.
Alissa shooting a multi of Phecda and Annastasia
i got some new ink to mark my first trip to visit Columbus.
By the amazing Rich C. Cook
you can find his facebook page here to contact him about getting ink
my hair is much blonder these days.... Thanks to Tiffany at Erika Taylor in Columbus (across the street from the delicious Dirty Franks)
This is my beautiful makeup artist, MarlaMaples for Powder Puff PInups
I am really doing well these days. (not that I am not always doing pretty well, but I am happier than ever.
I have the most amazing fiance' in the world, I love California and the west coast, I am free to travel anytime I want, and I am so happy to be working full time on my photography, my writing and my business. And to have left the bar scene
My creativity and productivity are just getting going. I've been writing articles for my favorite magazines, and shooting for anything that looks like fun to me. I started blogging , and I am even working on my book.
But shooting is definitely my main focus right now.... For anything from my business, Powder Puff PInups, to my portfolio, Sunnie Rizzolo Photography, to articles that I am writing, for submission to magazines, and now for Zivity, and after this past weekend................,
I am now shooting for SG!!
Probably the most exciting thing lately..... But I will get into that in my next blog (already in the works with updates about the SG San Francisco shoot fest this past weekend. .)
Coming soon to member review....Cruella
for now.....
Here are my newest photos, since my last blog
I shot Exning while we were both in Ohio ( to submit to Inked).
I love this girl.
Here are more from the shoot.
Right now, I working on a set that I shot of the beautiful Mourna in Columbus for Zivity
I will be hitting the road this summer and traveling to a bunch of cities.
in May:
Columbus, OH
Denver, CO
Albuquerque, NM
Phoenix, AZ
Los Angeles, CA
Santa Cruz, CA
Reno, NV
Las Vegas, NV
San Diego, CA
at home in Arcata, CA
San Francisco, CA
Austin, TX
Portland, OR
Ashland, OR
New York, NY
East Hampton, Long Island, NY
Hope to see and shoot a lot of old friends and make some new ones.
Viva la' SG.
Wild and Free
glad to see you are doing well and traveling lots!