GET READY FOR LOTS OF PHOTOS..... Here's what I've been up to lately!!

let's start with TRAVEL
A few weeks ago, Alissa, Pilot and I hit the road for a 5 day midwest loop and shoot fest. We visited Indiana, Wisconsin and Illinois and shot 9 sets and met some amazing ladies!!! One of the best times I've had on SG....I see many future roadtrips for the 3 of us and some of the other ladies around here!!!!!
First we stopped in Indiana:
Pilot and Essence The start of the coming soon Indiana SG wing of the midwest army

unless we can get them to move to Columbus first

future additions to SG Indy??!!!


You know how some weeks are just so great and everyone that you meet makes you remember why you do what you do....THIS was one of those weeks. So many amazing girls, every city we visited was a great time!! Such an awesome trip!
Next we left Indy and headed up to Wisconsin, we stayed with Vinyl_ and had an amazing time!
Here are some hipstamatics that I took while Alissa, Pilot and I were visiting Vinyl_ in Wisconsin!
my cuddle buddy Lexington

slumber party


Vinyl's adorable corgi's

Vinyl, Pilot and I

Pilot, Vinyl and I at Vinyl's in Wisco

Then we headed to Chicago to wrap up the trip!
The Chicago girls showed Alissa, Pilot and I a great time
Kraven brought cupcakes!!!

Maple, BelleBane Pilot and I in Chicago
Pilot and I at The Hardrock in Chicago

Damsel, Maple and Alissa

BelleBane and Pilot

Pilot and Oogie

Maple me, Damsel, Pilot, Oogie and
BelleBane covering Kraven to make that photo safe for facebook

yeah, nudity is shocking to me!....

bhaahahah not really
me and Alissa shooting Kraven

an outake from Belle's new set with Alissa

outtakes from Amarena's new shoot for SG. There were a few cameos!!

Maple, Belle, Pilot and I

Sadly our roadtrip had to end....but we are seriously planning trips all over the US to shoot and meet as many girls as we can so maybe I'll get to meet you soon if I haven't already!
If you are trying to book a shoot with Alissa.....I am now answering her emails and setting up all of her shoots. Please contact me and let me know when you are interested in shooting. If I do not get back to you immediately, it is probably because I am working on a different trip first. Please try to be patient. I am getting back to everyone who we can get in as soon as I can!
MIAMI at the end of June
NEW YORK in July
PHOENIX, AZ in August
(meaning if you are interested, let me know and I will add you to the list of girls who live in that area and are interested in shoots and I'll get in touch with you when we start planning!!
Other than travel......There have been lots and lots of shoots lately!!!!!
my bestie (and teacher) in action

First I'm posting some from the way way back because I'm pretty sure that I have yet to post these. These are from the SG party we had in October 2010
I posted the pics from the party, but these are the outtakes from the shoots at the studio 


Alissa shooting Friskey

the girls hanging out at our studio

Arabella, me and Carrina

A little more recently but still kind of old....Outtakes from ..Pilot

or as I like to call her Pleeeeeeot!

I might have mentioned earlier how much I love this girl....

This set is still kicking ass in MR.....Moonlil...The Perks
Outtakes from a shoot with Moonlil who came all the way from NY!!

She's adorable!

SoBelle flew for a shoot. What a sweetheart!!!

Coming soon!!!
A snap Alissa took of me shooting our sexy hair stylist, Rachel for Powder Puff Pinups.

Rachel and I

we would LOVE to shoot her for SG someday.....hmmmm maybeeeee
Getting into at least a little bit more recent shoots, here's one that hits mr on July 2nd!!!!!
Gallows and I at her shoot

This was our first but definitely not our last Big Lebowski themed set!!!
Pannn and Indego roadtripped to Ohio for a shoot with Alissa (and me and have their hair done by Radeo, and makeup done by MarlaMaples and our hang out and shoot with our little Powder Puff Pinups team.
at Pannn and Indego's shoot!

Set just hit member review!!! Check it out!!
Pannn from her upcoming set!!
I seriously love this girl!!!!! JUNE 15TH 6AM!!

Indego's set will be hitting the queue very soon!!!! we always like to space out best friends a little bit.
Aleyska came to Ohio!!. this girl is such a bombshell!!!!

Her set hits MR August 1st
just the other day:

she's so adorable!!!!!

ANDDDDD True Tubes Shoot at the Powder Puff Pinups studio.
What do you do when a bunch of tubes are shipped to you but they are not up to your super high standards??!! Well, when you're Durb, Before you recycle them all, you turn a pain in ass into a way to see some ass. lolol......Ok, Ok, I admit, it was really Alissa's idea...
Here are some shots from the shoot.
The amazing MarlaMaples at work on Radeo's hair

Our other hair stylist, Rachel working on Patton's hair before the shoot




I got to learn some new things with Alissa and wrangle the tubes to make the shoot perfect!
It was a pretty fantastic day!
AND There are even more photoshoot outtakes for my next blog.......I just haven't uploaded everything on my phone yet!!
Travel, Shoots and FRIENDS:
Spending my free time with drama free great friends:
It's always a party when Nessler gets tattooed by Durb

Tovi came in to visit!!!!!!
We met her over a year ago while in Dallas on our cross country roadtrip. I saw her in the elevator and I knew she'd be perfect for SG.
I asked her if she ever heard of SG? , to which she replied, "I've got a membership"
I said, "well would you ever do it? b/c I'm here with Alissa Brunelli, one of the staff photographers"
And she goes..."hmmmm let me think about that for a second.....umm..OK!!!!! DUH"
Then I asked her if her boobs were real.
True Story.
She said, yes....and they're the good kind of real!
And now a year later, we're great friends and I got to see her Gs all weekend long.

And even better....Tovi just joined the list of SGs who are considering a move to the great state of OHIO to add to our growing community of tattooed ladies!

Tovi, my puppy Zen and me
Damsel Rourke me and tovi on laser removal day (which is why my shirt is on backwards

working on our computers at SGHQ Killumbus Branch (aka, Alissa's) lol.

Memorial Day cookout at Alissa's

While Tovi was in town.....We had an SG party this weekend in Ohio!!! Friday June 3rd at Mozaik Lounge in The Arena District of Columbus OH.
there were so many girls there, but I'm saving those pictures for a whole nother blog.
If you missed the party, we are having the next one on JULY 30TH!!! Mark your calendars now!! Check this thread for info: link to the thread on the boards
Luscious and Dane came to town!! (as they OFTEN do...because they are awesome)!!!
Definitely some of the best friends that I've made on SG!!
Alissa and I took Luscious and our men out to The Wine Guy for Luscious' bday.....

i am in love with this place!!!!
A huge welcome to Damsel , who joined the Columbus Ohio Suicide Girls family this month!!! She made the move from Wisco!!!
I still remember when Alissa and I first met her over a year ago.
She came down to shoot with us at our old studio and I remember thinking I knew she was going to be one of the girls I really liked!

AND NOW, she moved here!!!!
MAYBE IT'S CONTAGIOUS!!! Here is a picture of Damsel and Tovi at the SG party we threw last weekend!


YUP!!!!! It looks like Tovi is moving from the list of girls who are thinking about moving here to the list of girls who ARE!!!
Marceau is next....
then Setsuka, and maybe even Annisa are toying around with a move to Killumbus.....
while Alissa and I are working on convincing Pilot!!
I'll keep you posted
Travel, Shoots, Friends, and LOVE
I've always said that people can't "make you happy" , only YOU can make yourself happy..... this guy makes me question that saying every day for the past year and half!
<3 Killer47

i could post a million gazillion puppy pics but this blog is out of control. so just one for today.

GAH! i love my dogs so much!!!!
And finally.... After al of the fun is had, I think we ALL need to start paying some SERIOUS attention to shit that is going on in our country and in our world!!!! (specifically Americans!!)
So I leave you with a little bit of
As I watch cameras go up on every street corner in my town and hear about people's houses being searched without reason or warrant, or about something like seat belt check down in Tennessee that had US military there for back up.... or when you realize that 5000 of our soldiers have been killed trying to punish someone for killing 3000 citizens on 9/11....or that the leaders that our parents and grandparents elected were corrupt and have sentenced us to live of enslaved debt unless we make some DRASTIC changes..... I am increasingly interested in who will run our country next and what they have to say about this bullshit.
I'm definitely interested in hearing what Ron Paul has to say.
I love when I'm randomly watching something that I found on a non SG friends page, and then a few of my SG girlfriends pop up in the middle of the video
link to the youtube page cause i can't figure out why it's not embedding
or maybe this one will work?
Either way, it was a Rob Paul video by Aimee Allen featuring Suicide Girls.
I'm not officially endorsing anyone just yet....I've still got some reading to do and some of his more conservative views have me concerned, but I'm loving what I have heard on A LOT of issues.
Namely, the Federal Reserve, his foreign policy, the size of the central government, national security, the loss of our rights, The Constitution, Marijuana Laws, a medical approach to the drug problem as opposed to a criminal approach!!!! And he even opposes the ridiculous No Child Left Behind education law!
Ok Mr. you may be a republican.....but I am definitely listening!!!!!
I've been reading a lot more and will likely start to do some political writing as the election gets closer... I have found that the older I have gotten, I have virtually no interest, and literally don't even know who most of these people or shows are. These are things I hear talked about constantly.
Justin Beeber, The Cardashians, Jake and Kate and 8, Glee, Paris Hilton, jersey shore, etc. I find them such a suck on my time and such a distraction from what really goes on this world that I can't even put it into words how stupid I think that stuff is.
So, first question is:
Do you know what the Federal Reserve is....or how it functions?
Did you know that NONE of the money paid to the IRS for federal income taxes goes to any social programs whatsoever? NONE!! That it all goes to paying interest to the Federal Reserve?
If not, it's a lot more interesting than somebody's special sweet 16!!! or some chick popping out babies at 12.
Wake UP!
OK, OK I'm done, for THIS blog.....
back to BOOBS!!!!!! coming soooon....The SG Ohio Slumber Party Multi

Well, Don't be rude, kitties and dudes.
It just makes you look insecure and dumb.

let's start with TRAVEL
A few weeks ago, Alissa, Pilot and I hit the road for a 5 day midwest loop and shoot fest. We visited Indiana, Wisconsin and Illinois and shot 9 sets and met some amazing ladies!!! One of the best times I've had on SG....I see many future roadtrips for the 3 of us and some of the other ladies around here!!!!!
First we stopped in Indiana:
Pilot and Essence The start of the coming soon Indiana SG wing of the midwest army

unless we can get them to move to Columbus first

future additions to SG Indy??!!!


You know how some weeks are just so great and everyone that you meet makes you remember why you do what you do....THIS was one of those weeks. So many amazing girls, every city we visited was a great time!! Such an awesome trip!
Next we left Indy and headed up to Wisconsin, we stayed with Vinyl_ and had an amazing time!
Here are some hipstamatics that I took while Alissa, Pilot and I were visiting Vinyl_ in Wisconsin!
my cuddle buddy Lexington

slumber party


Vinyl's adorable corgi's

Vinyl, Pilot and I

Pilot, Vinyl and I at Vinyl's in Wisco

Then we headed to Chicago to wrap up the trip!
The Chicago girls showed Alissa, Pilot and I a great time
Kraven brought cupcakes!!!

Maple, BelleBane Pilot and I in Chicago
Pilot and I at The Hardrock in Chicago

Damsel, Maple and Alissa

BelleBane and Pilot

Pilot and Oogie

Maple me, Damsel, Pilot, Oogie and
BelleBane covering Kraven to make that photo safe for facebook

yeah, nudity is shocking to me!....

bhaahahah not really
me and Alissa shooting Kraven

an outake from Belle's new set with Alissa

outtakes from Amarena's new shoot for SG. There were a few cameos!!

Maple, Belle, Pilot and I

Sadly our roadtrip had to end....but we are seriously planning trips all over the US to shoot and meet as many girls as we can so maybe I'll get to meet you soon if I haven't already!

If you are trying to book a shoot with Alissa.....I am now answering her emails and setting up all of her shoots. Please contact me and let me know when you are interested in shooting. If I do not get back to you immediately, it is probably because I am working on a different trip first. Please try to be patient. I am getting back to everyone who we can get in as soon as I can!

MIAMI at the end of June
NEW YORK in July
PHOENIX, AZ in August

Other than travel......There have been lots and lots of shoots lately!!!!!
my bestie (and teacher) in action

First I'm posting some from the way way back because I'm pretty sure that I have yet to post these. These are from the SG party we had in October 2010



Alissa shooting Friskey

the girls hanging out at our studio

Arabella, me and Carrina

A little more recently but still kind of old....Outtakes from ..Pilot

or as I like to call her Pleeeeeeot!

I might have mentioned earlier how much I love this girl....

This set is still kicking ass in MR.....Moonlil...The Perks
Outtakes from a shoot with Moonlil who came all the way from NY!!

She's adorable!

SoBelle flew for a shoot. What a sweetheart!!!

Coming soon!!!
A snap Alissa took of me shooting our sexy hair stylist, Rachel for Powder Puff Pinups.

Rachel and I

we would LOVE to shoot her for SG someday.....hmmmm maybeeeee
Getting into at least a little bit more recent shoots, here's one that hits mr on July 2nd!!!!!
Gallows and I at her shoot

This was our first but definitely not our last Big Lebowski themed set!!!

Pannn and Indego roadtripped to Ohio for a shoot with Alissa (and me and have their hair done by Radeo, and makeup done by MarlaMaples and our hang out and shoot with our little Powder Puff Pinups team.
at Pannn and Indego's shoot!

Set just hit member review!!! Check it out!!

Pannn from her upcoming set!!

Indego's set will be hitting the queue very soon!!!! we always like to space out best friends a little bit.

Aleyska came to Ohio!!. this girl is such a bombshell!!!!

Her set hits MR August 1st

just the other day:

she's so adorable!!!!!

ANDDDDD True Tubes Shoot at the Powder Puff Pinups studio.
What do you do when a bunch of tubes are shipped to you but they are not up to your super high standards??!! Well, when you're Durb, Before you recycle them all, you turn a pain in ass into a way to see some ass. lolol......Ok, Ok, I admit, it was really Alissa's idea...
Here are some shots from the shoot.
The amazing MarlaMaples at work on Radeo's hair

Our other hair stylist, Rachel working on Patton's hair before the shoot




I got to learn some new things with Alissa and wrangle the tubes to make the shoot perfect!

It was a pretty fantastic day!
AND There are even more photoshoot outtakes for my next blog.......I just haven't uploaded everything on my phone yet!!
Travel, Shoots and FRIENDS:
Spending my free time with drama free great friends:
It's always a party when Nessler gets tattooed by Durb

Tovi came in to visit!!!!!!
We met her over a year ago while in Dallas on our cross country roadtrip. I saw her in the elevator and I knew she'd be perfect for SG.

I asked her if she ever heard of SG? , to which she replied, "I've got a membership"
I said, "well would you ever do it? b/c I'm here with Alissa Brunelli, one of the staff photographers"
And she goes..."hmmmm let me think about that for a second.....umm..OK!!!!! DUH"
Then I asked her if her boobs were real.
True Story.
She said, yes....and they're the good kind of real!
And now a year later, we're great friends and I got to see her Gs all weekend long.

And even better....Tovi just joined the list of SGs who are considering a move to the great state of OHIO to add to our growing community of tattooed ladies!

Tovi, my puppy Zen and me

Damsel Rourke me and tovi on laser removal day (which is why my shirt is on backwards

working on our computers at SGHQ Killumbus Branch (aka, Alissa's) lol.

Memorial Day cookout at Alissa's

While Tovi was in town.....We had an SG party this weekend in Ohio!!! Friday June 3rd at Mozaik Lounge in The Arena District of Columbus OH.

If you missed the party, we are having the next one on JULY 30TH!!! Mark your calendars now!! Check this thread for info: link to the thread on the boards
Luscious and Dane came to town!! (as they OFTEN do...because they are awesome)!!!
Definitely some of the best friends that I've made on SG!!
Alissa and I took Luscious and our men out to The Wine Guy for Luscious' bday.....

i am in love with this place!!!!
A huge welcome to Damsel , who joined the Columbus Ohio Suicide Girls family this month!!! She made the move from Wisco!!!
I still remember when Alissa and I first met her over a year ago.

She came down to shoot with us at our old studio and I remember thinking I knew she was going to be one of the girls I really liked!

AND NOW, she moved here!!!!
MAYBE IT'S CONTAGIOUS!!! Here is a picture of Damsel and Tovi at the SG party we threw last weekend!


YUP!!!!! It looks like Tovi is moving from the list of girls who are thinking about moving here to the list of girls who ARE!!!

Marceau is next....
then Setsuka, and maybe even Annisa are toying around with a move to Killumbus.....
while Alissa and I are working on convincing Pilot!!

I'll keep you posted

Travel, Shoots, Friends, and LOVE
I've always said that people can't "make you happy" , only YOU can make yourself happy..... this guy makes me question that saying every day for the past year and half!
<3 Killer47

i could post a million gazillion puppy pics but this blog is out of control. so just one for today.

GAH! i love my dogs so much!!!!
And finally.... After al of the fun is had, I think we ALL need to start paying some SERIOUS attention to shit that is going on in our country and in our world!!!! (specifically Americans!!)
So I leave you with a little bit of
As I watch cameras go up on every street corner in my town and hear about people's houses being searched without reason or warrant, or about something like seat belt check down in Tennessee that had US military there for back up.... or when you realize that 5000 of our soldiers have been killed trying to punish someone for killing 3000 citizens on 9/11....or that the leaders that our parents and grandparents elected were corrupt and have sentenced us to live of enslaved debt unless we make some DRASTIC changes..... I am increasingly interested in who will run our country next and what they have to say about this bullshit.
I'm definitely interested in hearing what Ron Paul has to say.
I love when I'm randomly watching something that I found on a non SG friends page, and then a few of my SG girlfriends pop up in the middle of the video

link to the youtube page cause i can't figure out why it's not embedding
or maybe this one will work?
Either way, it was a Rob Paul video by Aimee Allen featuring Suicide Girls.
I'm not officially endorsing anyone just yet....I've still got some reading to do and some of his more conservative views have me concerned, but I'm loving what I have heard on A LOT of issues.
Namely, the Federal Reserve, his foreign policy, the size of the central government, national security, the loss of our rights, The Constitution, Marijuana Laws, a medical approach to the drug problem as opposed to a criminal approach!!!! And he even opposes the ridiculous No Child Left Behind education law!
Ok Mr. you may be a republican.....but I am definitely listening!!!!!
I've been reading a lot more and will likely start to do some political writing as the election gets closer... I have found that the older I have gotten, I have virtually no interest, and literally don't even know who most of these people or shows are. These are things I hear talked about constantly.
Justin Beeber, The Cardashians, Jake and Kate and 8, Glee, Paris Hilton, jersey shore, etc. I find them such a suck on my time and such a distraction from what really goes on this world that I can't even put it into words how stupid I think that stuff is.
So, first question is:
Do you know what the Federal Reserve is....or how it functions?
Did you know that NONE of the money paid to the IRS for federal income taxes goes to any social programs whatsoever? NONE!! That it all goes to paying interest to the Federal Reserve?
If not, it's a lot more interesting than somebody's special sweet 16!!! or some chick popping out babies at 12.
Wake UP!
OK, OK I'm done, for THIS blog.....
back to BOOBS!!!!!! coming soooon....The SG Ohio Slumber Party Multi

Well, Don't be rude, kitties and dudes.
It just makes you look insecure and dumb.


So many hot ladiess
I wanetd to say thank you so much for the lovely comment on my set, I was hardcore blushing when I read it, you're a total fox and I've always been a big fan of yours -- so yknow I couldn't help but be mega flattered

wow! crazy awesome pictures!!! looks like so much fun!