And before I start, I'm not even going to make promises about future blogs and the frequency of them, like I'm inclined to, or like I usually do, because they only wind up empty.... as my life zips on by. But this blog is kind of proof that I DO start blogs in my gmail, I just never get to finish them, and therefor never post them

BUT.... I am posting a pretty giant blog today...

First off, I wanted to take a minute to pimp out a set of a gorgeous, sweet girl that Alissa shot while we were in Phoenix. We shoot so many amazing hopefuls, but rarely can I say that the girl has been such a long time hopeful!!
....Haydin has been shooting so I'm taking some time out to
Here are some iphone candid's I took of Alissa shooting Haydin

Luscious hanging out at the shoot.

actually, Luscious, Cherry and I were all there hanging out while Alissa shot her. A pretty great time.
Haydin has been an SG hopeful since 2008, she's a sweetheart and super hot and I hope that this set makes her pink finally!
Love all of our hopefuls, but 2 years is awesome determination and she was such a doll so I am really pulling for this one to go pink

Check it out:
Haydin....Doe Eyes

ok, sooooo much has changed since my last blog.
i won't go too much in to detail, but we lost our boxer, Killer a couple of weeks ago really unexpectedly!

Here's Killer with my 9 year old shar-pei, Gunny...
Gunny was my only dog for his whole life until last year when I moved in with
I'm so thankful that we had at least one full year and a Christmas with our old dogs!

He was an amazing loyal dog and I miss his so much!!
buttttt, it's not an ALL sad story,,,, Anyone who knows me knows that I don't spend much time in sadness or negativity. If something makes me sad I change it.

so after a week of crying, we started to think about a new puppy.
My dog, Gunny's a great dog, but he's a guard dog. In our 3 story house, he stays on the first floor by the door 95% of the time. But Killer was the kind of dog that is with you every minute. In the attic, in the bedroom, in the bathroom, in the CLOSET!
And Gunny, after being a lone wolf all of his life was sad and mopey without his bro.
So we decided to adopt a new doggie!
We drove from shelter to shelter and spent an entire day falling in love with all of the homeless dogs in central Ohio. But after lots of waggy tails and play dates with Gunny, we knew that the boxer/mastiff mix that we met at the first place we had visited was the perfect fit for our family.

He bares a striking resemblance to his late brother, Killer.
He is 7 months old and weighed 47 pounds when we brought him home but he's already starting to bulk up on the Gunny diet!
We got him from a prison dog program. Homeless puppies are paired with prisoners and they live with and are trained by them. It's pretty awesome, and beneficial for both the dog and the guys who are locked up. He's housebroken, and sits, stays, lays down, and does a ton of other commands by verbal and hand signals. And it's clear that he was treated well. The guy who had him said that he had been in the program for 5 years so he was excited to train a new homeless pet for another family. Pretty cool.

Since there's no way to predict...I'm crossing my fingers that he doesn't get as big as this guy lol. but if he does, i'll probably think it's the best thing ever!

It's sad, it's happy, it's life.
Either way, I am ready for the new chapter.
So, moving on from that, I'm gonna have to title this section of the friends are adorable!
The next part I am stealing from a blog that I wrote WAY back whenever Suicide Girls made Alissa pink. It's stupid late since it was back in November... but I don't care because it took me a while to write it and I never got around to finishing it. One of these days I will learn to keep them short and sweet.
Anyyyyway here it is:,
I'm going to start with my favorite surprise of the week, hell, my favorite awesome surprise in a long ass time!
A big Congratulations to my best friend, business partner, and the only photographer that I've shot with since she shot my third set for me because she makes me feel THAT comfortable, (FORMERLY known as, Alissa Brunelli), NOW........ JUST, Alissa on going pink and becoming a Suicide Girl!!
In case you missed Missy's announcement on the boards, Alissa is now, the second girl in SG history to go pink without a photo set (second, of course to Missy.
Alissa and I met back in 2006 when I had just gone pink and my set was still in limbo....

She had shot a handful of sets, and we met and decided to shoot together. I was her second accepted set to SG, the day after her first set of Roza went live!

5 years later, Alissa has almost 200 live sets (189 to be exact), and has turned 60 girls pink! SIXTY!!
just in case you're curious, I've compiled and spoilered a list for you. starting in January 2007 and working up to today, here are all of the girls that Alissa has turned pink:
Actually since I wrote that blog I'm sure you can add a few more ladies to the list..... BelleBane, Smurfasaur, and Pilot come to mind right away.
SO CONGRATS AGAIN TO MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD, ALISSA! You've always been a Suicide Girl to me and an SG at heart! I am so happy that you are now an official Suicide Girl!
And Thanks so much to SGHQ for showing everyone that truly being a Suicide Girl is not just about taking your clothes off.
sometimes, it's about getting lots and lots of other people to do it!
Pretty much spend most of my time these days working on mine and Alissa's company,
Check out the site, Powder Puff PInups
and while you're there, we'd love it if clicked that little facebook "like" button at the bottom of the home page.
And if you're really feeling friendly and supportive,
I'm suuuure you'll recognize the hottie on our logo
Speaking of which, have you seen Radeo's newest video?
amazing!! adorable! love!!!!
Next adorable friend:
Fro Fro.
I braved a snow storm to do some Ladies 80s with Fro and snapped some pictures while I was there!
she was at a much more advanced state of drunk than I, considering she had been out partying all day, and I had just gotten out, And it was her birthday! so it was the perfect time to get some pics of Frolic and her dude buds.
I am loving shooting. I'm pretty much doing everything I can to just shoot everything I can. I shot a few of my best girl friends at the studio yesterday. I will have photos very soon to share.
One of the things that is keeping me up at night with excitement is the photoshop class that I start a few weeks from now at CCAD where Alissa went to school.
I have been learning from Alissa and trying to teach myself to use lightroom so my photos are "slightly prepped", I like to call it.
With that said, here are some pics I shot while Alissa was shooting the adorable Phecda
I got to add to my portfolio a little bit more at the Powder Puff Pinups Valentine's Day shoot and a photoshoot and another upcoming project. Alissa shot my gorgeous friend Styl0!
I'm looking forward to starting my class and photoshopping them and sharing the rest!!
As well as the photos from my shoot with 2 of my girlfriends from Wednesday.... (also bartender girl friends of mine) for Valentine's Day gifts for their men and their modeling portfolios. I'm so excited! I am love loving shooting
And with all of this other craziness, I definitely do plan on getting back on the other side of the lens sometime soon. or sooner or later
Well, I have so much more I could talk about and share, but I've got a million emails to return for Powder Puff Pinups and then work at the bar at 8:00 tonight!
Kisses and Snuggles
My little buggles!
wild and free