Hello boys and girls of SG.
Get ready for a picture filled blog!!!! as in 50 pictures to be exact!!
I still haven't posted all of my pics from Hell City and now I have new pics from Memorial Day weekend "Down on the Farm", and some random summer pictures.
So I'm just going to post a few of each.
First we'll start with Hell City
I can't believe that Hell City has come and gone already. That was my straight Hell City, I haven't missed one since Columbus 2006 when I first became a Suicide Girl!
This year I ran the SG booth and had such a blast getting to hang out with the girls so much and meet members. For the past 2 years I have been running around doing other jobs and have had very limited time to hang out at the booth. It was so great to get to spend my time there and get to hang out with girls that I rarely get to see!
I am looking forward to getting to do more of that now that I'm freeeeeee
Hanging out in my pimp 20th floor room with 3 walls of windows
Windows even in the bathroom

I like to make silly faces when I take pictures of myself.

I was a little obsessed with the hell city devil.

I've kind of got a thing for him

Dane learning the hard way that messing with the Hell City mascots is a bad idea!

Frolic coming to his rescue! or at least trying...

me with Phecda as The Bride for Joe Capobianco!

2 of my favorite photographers (Alissa and Cherry) taking a rare break at to hang at the SG booth

Archie, Doctor and Wit hanging out at the SG booth

Tita showing off the SG cookies that Tovi baked for the SG booth!

Killer and Dane hanging out by the SG booth with all the pretty girls

see what i mean?!!

Tovi...completely adorable on her first day as an SG!

Fro and Archie

Fro Luscious and Tovi

being silly at the SG table.

hoping to rub Tovi's new pinkness off on Jaxy, Trouble

Vesta and Shotgun

lots of my favorite girls in one place makes me

what a great weekend!!

after party at the Big Bar on 2 after the convention.
Luscious and I

i love my drunk friends

after after party in the room:

even my necklace is naughty at Hell City!!!

Memorial Day "Down on the Farm" with some friends
Gunny just enjoying his favorite activities

taking out the 4 wheelers

i love waking up in a tent

the buggy

4 wheeling and campfires

the boys at the end of a busy day of chasing quads

fire side

I'm so happy it's summer!!

cooling off Gunny

cooling off Killer

patio furniture starting to get set up!

hope everyone else is enjoying their summer as much as I am!!
something about summer makes everything fun

For the first time in 2 years I am starting to have a sense of stability in my life. Starting to finally feel like things are not balanced on the tiniest pin and could and fall at any second. Spending my time with people I can count on and not spending much time thinking about why things are the way they are. Just that they are good.
Really really good.
On a more personal level,
I'm working on wrapping up lots of loose ends so that I'm completely free of my past learning experiences...and so that I can officially have a second shot at happily ever after. I deserve it, god damn it!

People have asked me so many times in the past year if I regret getting my Til Death Do Us Part tattoo now that I am getting divorced. I guess the best way that I can explain why I still love my tattoo as much as the day I got is is because I still believe in Til Death Do Us Part. I believe there is one person that people are meant to be with, and I guess I believe that just because the first person I picked turned out to be someone who just didn't get the concept ..... doesn't mean that I don't deserve to be with someone else who does believe in commitment and honesty and it doesn't make me any less of a person for believing in true love and in fairy tales and happy endings
On that note, I need to sign off and head home for the night....
I'll leave you guys with a few pics
and a link to my new set, Blue Crush. which is in member review right now if you're in the looking at naked sunshine and leaving love kind of mood

Wild and Free
Get ready for a picture filled blog!!!! as in 50 pictures to be exact!!
I still haven't posted all of my pics from Hell City and now I have new pics from Memorial Day weekend "Down on the Farm", and some random summer pictures.
So I'm just going to post a few of each.
First we'll start with Hell City
I can't believe that Hell City has come and gone already. That was my straight Hell City, I haven't missed one since Columbus 2006 when I first became a Suicide Girl!
This year I ran the SG booth and had such a blast getting to hang out with the girls so much and meet members. For the past 2 years I have been running around doing other jobs and have had very limited time to hang out at the booth. It was so great to get to spend my time there and get to hang out with girls that I rarely get to see!
I am looking forward to getting to do more of that now that I'm freeeeeee

Hanging out in my pimp 20th floor room with 3 walls of windows

Windows even in the bathroom

I like to make silly faces when I take pictures of myself.

I was a little obsessed with the hell city devil.

I've kind of got a thing for him

Dane learning the hard way that messing with the Hell City mascots is a bad idea!

Frolic coming to his rescue! or at least trying...

me with Phecda as The Bride for Joe Capobianco!

2 of my favorite photographers (Alissa and Cherry) taking a rare break at to hang at the SG booth

Archie, Doctor and Wit hanging out at the SG booth

Tita showing off the SG cookies that Tovi baked for the SG booth!

Killer and Dane hanging out by the SG booth with all the pretty girls

see what i mean?!!

Tovi...completely adorable on her first day as an SG!

Fro and Archie

Fro Luscious and Tovi

being silly at the SG table.

hoping to rub Tovi's new pinkness off on Jaxy, Trouble

Vesta and Shotgun

lots of my favorite girls in one place makes me

what a great weekend!!

after party at the Big Bar on 2 after the convention.
Luscious and I

i love my drunk friends

after after party in the room:

even my necklace is naughty at Hell City!!!

Memorial Day "Down on the Farm" with some friends
Gunny just enjoying his favorite activities

taking out the 4 wheelers

i love waking up in a tent

the buggy

4 wheeling and campfires

the boys at the end of a busy day of chasing quads

fire side

I'm so happy it's summer!!

cooling off Gunny

cooling off Killer

patio furniture starting to get set up!

hope everyone else is enjoying their summer as much as I am!!
something about summer makes everything fun

For the first time in 2 years I am starting to have a sense of stability in my life. Starting to finally feel like things are not balanced on the tiniest pin and could and fall at any second. Spending my time with people I can count on and not spending much time thinking about why things are the way they are. Just that they are good.
Really really good.
On a more personal level,
I'm working on wrapping up lots of loose ends so that I'm completely free of my past learning experiences...and so that I can officially have a second shot at happily ever after. I deserve it, god damn it!

People have asked me so many times in the past year if I regret getting my Til Death Do Us Part tattoo now that I am getting divorced. I guess the best way that I can explain why I still love my tattoo as much as the day I got is is because I still believe in Til Death Do Us Part. I believe there is one person that people are meant to be with, and I guess I believe that just because the first person I picked turned out to be someone who just didn't get the concept ..... doesn't mean that I don't deserve to be with someone else who does believe in commitment and honesty and it doesn't make me any less of a person for believing in true love and in fairy tales and happy endings

On that note, I need to sign off and head home for the night....
I'll leave you guys with a few pics
and a link to my new set, Blue Crush. which is in member review right now if you're in the looking at naked sunshine and leaving love kind of mood

Wild and Free
i really wanted to come to hell city, but i'm busy buying a house, so it wasn't possible, but looks like a great time as always.
Looks like a good time had by all at Hell City!