get ready for a super drunk blog.
yup. i covered a shift at work and then came home and got drunk with frolic and rigel and i'm having a giggling sunday night at home and you know what, i'm gonna write a drunk blog!
there's a party in the usa
i'm so overdue for a blog. i know this. i've been a sucky friend to a lot of my friends on here. i'm just having trouble taking a time out from fun to talk about how much fun i'm having. which is a good thing.
a really good thing, actually.
i moved in with radeo, frolic and havana. that's working out really well. we are looking forward to radeo getting home from la tomorrow so we can decorate for the holidays and hang out all together!
and radeo is turning 21 in less than a week which is gonna be awesome....we are looking forward to a crazy girls night. i'm sure you'll be seeing pictures and videos from the big night.... so stay tuned for that.....
Gunny, my dog, is doing well in the new place. he's never lived with another animal in his entire 8 years of life and now he's chilling with a giant husky, a fat cat and frequenting the local dog park without mauling the other dogs.
things change, things change.

it's hard for me to express how much i'm liking my life lately. i mean, i'm generally happy and all, but lately, my happy is at a whole new level.
again, a good thing. for sure.
jumping to a new topic....
do you know how many times i have had to say to frolic in the past week, "NO, you're not a sniper, No, you wouldn't be good at it in real life. it's an x-box game. there ISN'T a gun that has controls that are configured like an x-box controller. no there isn't a way you could snipe from a laying down position (not on her stomach, we're talking lying on her back in her bed).....
ok, i have to interrupt my own typing to type what i'm overhearring....
I really have to pee right now. But I don't want to walk up the stairs. Hey! Have you guys heard of that "HER pee" thing? so that girls can feel like a dude and pee standing??
nooooo, i know what you mean. but it's called a shenis?
google it! ???
rigel googles it and declares herself the winner!!
shenis is cool and all but i really think her pee would take off.
me and rigel:
uh, no, probably not!
wow, this blog is all over the place. i wish you could see frolic dancing to somebody call 911, right now! it's very distracting!!
and i'm not gonna apologize for being all over the place.
and now for a random selection of pictures from my phone:
me and frolic's dog, delta.... he's a fan of my bed... big time
schoolgirl night at work

couch city

living with other animals has gunny sleeping well at night

delta and gunny in the back of frolic's car on our way to the dog park... that was quite an adventure, getting those 2 in the car together!

me at the sg halloween party:

me walking gunny at the park next to our place

this park is one of top reasons why i love fall.
gunny at the dogpark for the first time in his little 8 year old life...
and he didn't maul anyone.
i have so much more but i'm gonna post this so i can go drink some more and blog again soon !
wild and freeeeeee
yup. i covered a shift at work and then came home and got drunk with frolic and rigel and i'm having a giggling sunday night at home and you know what, i'm gonna write a drunk blog!
there's a party in the usa
i'm so overdue for a blog. i know this. i've been a sucky friend to a lot of my friends on here. i'm just having trouble taking a time out from fun to talk about how much fun i'm having. which is a good thing.
a really good thing, actually.
i moved in with radeo, frolic and havana. that's working out really well. we are looking forward to radeo getting home from la tomorrow so we can decorate for the holidays and hang out all together!
and radeo is turning 21 in less than a week which is gonna be awesome....we are looking forward to a crazy girls night. i'm sure you'll be seeing pictures and videos from the big night.... so stay tuned for that.....
Gunny, my dog, is doing well in the new place. he's never lived with another animal in his entire 8 years of life and now he's chilling with a giant husky, a fat cat and frequenting the local dog park without mauling the other dogs.
things change, things change.

it's hard for me to express how much i'm liking my life lately. i mean, i'm generally happy and all, but lately, my happy is at a whole new level.
again, a good thing. for sure.
jumping to a new topic....
do you know how many times i have had to say to frolic in the past week, "NO, you're not a sniper, No, you wouldn't be good at it in real life. it's an x-box game. there ISN'T a gun that has controls that are configured like an x-box controller. no there isn't a way you could snipe from a laying down position (not on her stomach, we're talking lying on her back in her bed).....
ok, i have to interrupt my own typing to type what i'm overhearring....
I really have to pee right now. But I don't want to walk up the stairs. Hey! Have you guys heard of that "HER pee" thing? so that girls can feel like a dude and pee standing??
nooooo, i know what you mean. but it's called a shenis?
google it! ???
rigel googles it and declares herself the winner!!
shenis is cool and all but i really think her pee would take off.
me and rigel:
uh, no, probably not!
wow, this blog is all over the place. i wish you could see frolic dancing to somebody call 911, right now! it's very distracting!!
and i'm not gonna apologize for being all over the place.
and now for a random selection of pictures from my phone:

me and frolic's dog, delta.... he's a fan of my bed... big time
schoolgirl night at work

couch city

living with other animals has gunny sleeping well at night

delta and gunny in the back of frolic's car on our way to the dog park... that was quite an adventure, getting those 2 in the car together!

me at the sg halloween party:

me walking gunny at the park next to our place

this park is one of top reasons why i love fall.
gunny at the dogpark for the first time in his little 8 year old life...

and he didn't maul anyone.
i have so much more but i'm gonna post this so i can go drink some more and blog again soon !

wild and freeeeeee
hope to see you at the end of the month. 

i come home 2mrw