Notice the progression. The blog starts out with pictures of me alone and then a few girls then by the end a ton of girls....
The thing that's pretty cool is that I would not know NOT ONE of the people in these pictures if I had not become a Suicide Girl. And now, many of these girls are my best friends and will be for the rest of my life! So thanks to SG for all of the amazing memories and friendships! Girls that have been there for me to listen to me cry and cheer me up through the hardest times of my life and girls that have been there to laugh with me and make memories when things were great.
I am really looking forward to the next 3 years! SG really is what you make of it. So if you're sitting at home not attending the in real life events and not getting to know the amazing people associated with this website, you are truly missing out!
Another cool fact is that my new set, Flower Child, went into member review on the exact day (August 20) that my first set went live! A pretty cool coincidence eh?!!
Ok, so here we go........with a trip down memory lane!!
I have to go back a little further than 3 years to where my journey with SG first started.......Here are the pictures that I sent to sg when I applied to become a Suicide Girl.... Looking at them now, I can barely believe this is me...I've changed and grown so much in 3 years.
February 2006-
March 2006-
Next I found out that the beautiful and talented Lorelei was going to be in Ohio shooting sets and I asked her to shoot my first set.
April 2006-
I anxiously waited to see if my set got accepted. Back in those days there was no member review. You either went pink or you didn't. I remember wearing something pink everyday hoping to bring myself luck.
My birthday came and my hubby went with a pink theme hoping to bring me luck in going pink
I guess it worked cause I went pink and went into limbo. I still remember how excited I was! I had to model my new sg panties
May 2006-
I attended my very first Hell City in Columbus, Ohio. Who would have known that within 3 years Hell City would become something that I couldn't imagine my life without. And that Durb and AlissaBrunelli and Tony who run Hell City would soon become my best friends.
That weekend, I shot a second set with Steve Prue (tmronin)
Sunshine....Of Her Love, that went live 3 years ago today.
June/July 06-
After Hell City, I started to hang out with some of the other SGs that I met at Hell City that lived around me. Me, Meow and Anna had lots of fun partying together back then...
July 06'
East Coast Camping Trip
Anna, Devildg and I roadtripped to the SG East Coast Camping Trip. I got to meet lots of great members and SGs
Oct. 06.
I got to meet Rigel for the first time when she came home to visit fam in Ohio (another example of little did I know that she would become one of my favorite people in the world and a great friend) Here are some pics of me, Meow, Anna and Rigel
A picture from an SG night out
and the second time I met Alissa
Oct 06
I met Bully for the first time when Meow and I did a cameo in her Schooled set shot by AlissaBrunelli.
Oct. 06'
SG was looking for an Ohio staff photographer. They asked me to shoot with 2 people. Andrew and AlissaBrunelli
Dec 06'
Participated in the first Pinups For Soldiers campaign
Dec. 06'
Started to hang out with the girls around here more and more....the start of the SG Ohio family transforming into what it is today....
January 07'
A bunch of us went out to celebrate AlissaBrunelli's first live set on SG Roza's Under the Hood set
January 07
My first set with Alissa...To The Rescue went live a few days later
Adalae and Anna had cameos in the set.
February 07'
A member (who has asked to remain nameless ) messaged me to tell me that he saw me in Laptop Magazing:
Feb 07'
March 07'
Roadtripped up to the Detroit Tattoo Convention
April 07'
Alissa threw her second SG party at Havana (i missed the first one...i was away)
May 07'
Third SG party at Havana
June 07'
SG Havana Party
June 07'
My second set with Alissa went live.
Leather and Lace
July 07'
Comfest-Columbus, Ohio
July 07'
Hell City Merch Modeling
August 07'
I did a creepy coworker cameo in Cosette's 9 to 5 set
August 07'
Hell City Phoenix, AZ
September 07
SG Havana party
November 07'
Our Havana parties were getting bigger and bigger...girls fly in from everywhere.
December 07'
Alissa, Bully and I started spending a ridiculous amount of time together The pictures in here barely scratch the surface.
December 07'
My second year participating in the SG Pinups for Soldiers Campaign
January 08
SG Havana party
February 08'
One of the fine perks of being an SG...and helping Alissa on her shoots is going on photoshoots.
One of my favorite cameos of all time ...Bully and Adalae's multi.
February 08'
I got to do a hand cameo in Monroe's Nails Did set
February 08'
Gatsby tattooed the 1st 1/2 of my arm
March 08'
Second year going to the Detroit Tattoo Convention
March 08'
SG Havana party
April 08
Mine and Alissa's birthday celebrations....
April 08'
silliness Alissa got a new camera on her computer
April 08'
Cameo in Roza's set Token of My Love
April 08
Bully and I went with Alissa to shoot a new hopeful..... And Her name was Radeoooooo!!!
May 08'
My new set
Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone
went live
May 08'
Hell City Columbus, Ohio
May 08'
Havana SG Party
June 08'
me and Radeo modeling Choonimals gear
July 08'
random fun times from the summer.
July 08'
me and Alissa did a photoshoot so I could have some prints to use for the Pinups for Soldiers summer mailing
August 08'
My set
A Girl For All Seasons goes live.
This is one of my favorite sets since Alissa and I shot it over an entire year in the same location during each season of the year!
August 08'
Gallery Hop
Radeo surprised me and Alissa by coming up from Nashville...another SG who came to visit and we convinced to stay forever
August 08'
me and Radeo slip and slide at Alissa's party
August 08'
One of my favorite cameos of all time....Radeo handcuffs me to the water pipes for her set Venus in Furs
August 08'
HUGE Havana Party to benefit Pinups For Soldiers (lots of pics behind this one)!!
September 08'
I went to LA to visit Sawa and Rigel and James and all of the other awesome ladies out there!
October 08'
new ink
October 08'
Paradise Tattoo Gathering Massachusetts
October 08'
SG Halloween Party at Havana
Ocober 08'
Some of the girls out at Surly Girl
October 08'
I got to do a zombie cameo in Radeo's Thriller set
November 08'
Modeling for Hell City Merch
December 08'
Flyer for Hell City Gear is launched
January 09'
Alissa and I start a pinup photography business together
January 09'
The set Aliisa and I shot in honor of our new business Powder Puff Pinups goes live
January 09'
just a few of the girls hanging at Alissa's
January 09'
Hell City billboard in downtown Columbus on High Street
January 09'
Kickstart Art show/SG Havana Party
February 09'
SG Shootfest in Las Vegas
March 09'
A Clean Start goes live!!
March 09'
Pinup for Soldiers Calendar is printed
April 09'
arm Cameo in Lainey's set Hail the Leaf
April 09'
SG Party at Spice
May 09'
Hell City Columbus
July 09'
me and Radeo hanging out at Praesepe's shoot for her End of the Road set.
August 09'
Ohio Summer multi Shoot
A few weeks ago Alissa invites all of the Ohio SGs (there are like 30 of us) over her house for a shoot to show how amazing it is to be an SG in Ohio!
And this just scratches the surface since only about 1/2 the girls were there!
This epic set goes into member review on Saturday!!!!
make sure to check out all of the girls who were in the set's blogs for out takes from the set.
And FINALLY , 3 years brings us to today....August 20, 2009 ....my 3 year anniversary! (yeah I'm posting this a day late...it took longer than i thought)
August 09
My Flower Child set went into member review!
If you haven't seen it yet....check it out!
It has really been so much fun. I'm looking forward to the friends I haven't met yet.....
Here's to another great 3 years on SG!