Hey ya'll! Yes, I am up at 5:30 AM! Started bartending again, so I'm still de-redbulling. Getting ready to cuddle up with my boy and sleep all day though
mmmmm, getting sleeeeeepy. But before I do, I thought I would share some pics of my puppy that I took yesterday and today!
yesterday I come downstairs and he's sleeping in his spot on the couch

as I'm there taking a picture of him...he wakes up and props himself up to see what I'm doing

well at least he HALF wakes up
Then today, i was sitting out in the yard enjoying the sunshine waiting for my hunnie to get home from work
and i look over and see Gunny, also relaxing in the sun.

A minute later i look over and see THIS.....

How FREAKING adorable is he!??

and just for good measure, here i am holding 6 fuzzy white things.
Why 6 fuzzy white things you ask?? Wellll, I don't want to give too much away, but each one of them was attached to a certain SG's booty while MissSophie shot her new set!
Ok, that's all I'm gonna say about that! HOOOOOOPEFULLY, you'll get to see why VERRRRY sooooon!!
ok, well, I'm starting to get really sleepy. I think it's time for me to hit the sheets
Get ready for Hell City (May 30 &31)
My little Kitties,

yesterday I come downstairs and he's sleeping in his spot on the couch

as I'm there taking a picture of him...he wakes up and props himself up to see what I'm doing

well at least he HALF wakes up

Then today, i was sitting out in the yard enjoying the sunshine waiting for my hunnie to get home from work
and i look over and see Gunny, also relaxing in the sun.

A minute later i look over and see THIS.....

How FREAKING adorable is he!??

and just for good measure, here i am holding 6 fuzzy white things.

Why 6 fuzzy white things you ask?? Wellll, I don't want to give too much away, but each one of them was attached to a certain SG's booty while MissSophie shot her new set!
Ok, that's all I'm gonna say about that! HOOOOOOPEFULLY, you'll get to see why VERRRRY sooooon!!

ok, well, I'm starting to get really sleepy. I think it's time for me to hit the sheets
Get ready for Hell City (May 30 &31)
My little Kitties,
I know this ain't an event, but I'm super stoked to get to hopefully see you again at Hell City!! You're just one cool chick!

can't wait to see you at hell city. you really do have the cutest dog ever even tho he scares me. I just want to smoosh and kiss his mouth off.