AlissaBrunelli and I's new business, Powder Puff Pinups is really starting to take shape and come together.

Durb helped us design our postcard and logo yesterday, and we sent the postcard to be printed!

Here it is: (you may recognize one of your favorite SGs on the postcard

Side 1 is horizontal

Side 2 is vertical

We are currently designing the website and collecting testimonials from girls who've shot with Alissa (I'm working on emailing all of you.... If I haven't emailed you yet and you've shot with Alissa, we would love it if you could send me a short 1-2 paragraph testimonial)

Also, if you haven't seen the set Alissa and I shot to celebrate the launch of our website PowderPuffPinups.com
Here is the set. Sunshine-PowderPuffPinups

go leave it some love so it will go up!!

ok, well that's it for now.
Powder Puffs and Snugglebutts,
**Oh and I'll be selling prints from my PowderPuffPinups set....Please PM me if there's a specific print you'd be interested in and I'll make sure I include it in my order!

I hope I get to see you again soon.