i cant fight with you anymore. i'm too cried out. i'm drifting away. i'm getting used to always being wrong.
what're your highschool stereotype?
here is mine:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Punk/Rebel 94%
Prep/Jock/Cheerleader 81%
Drama nerd 50%
Ghetto gangsta 31%
Stoner 25%
Goth 14%
Geek 13%
Loner 10%
what type of movie are you?
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
You scored as Foreign.
Congratulations, or should I say Felicitations, youre a foreign language movie. Not that many people understand you, but those who do think youre pretty amazing. Its kind of hard being the outsider all the time, but keep plugging, eventually everyone else will come around to how great you are. Unless you suck. In which case you just suck, but in another language.
Foreign 95%
Epic Drama 40%
Bad movie 25%
Action 15%
Epic Fantasy 15%
Romantic Comedy 5%
we've got parallel universes and we're both in the clusterfuck they've described for us (see last of my entries). we'll get through them, and i promise you that. we get a starting point, we grasp it, and we build off of it.
even on the worst of nights, feeling like no one else cares, like we've done our best and it doesn't work or isn't good enough, we know we're not alone.
how we know that, is i'm here. and you're there. we don't have to talk. it's not necessary. you're there, and i'm here.
love, jim
Epic Fantasy
Bad movie
Romantic Comedy
Epic Drama
There's no fucking way I'm 10% romantic comedy. Maybe 2%. Unless it's a foreign romcom, that is.
OH, and thanks for your thoughts on my barbarian friends.