Hi everyone, how are you doing?
Last year, early December, I was gaining access to Suicide Girls website, as a Hopeful, after submitting my debut set.
I remember as it was yesterday. I was so excited and feeling my heart racing. I've always heard about this community but nothing would never have prepared me for what I found here.
I found love.
❤️ From the models. In a world where women are taught to see each other as competitors, I found here amazing girls supporting each other and the newbies. That's so beautiful and priceless.
❤️ From my friends. Yes, one year of SG was enough to put me in contact with precious people that I doubt I would met in any other place. I'm not going to tag they here, but I happily built a friendship with models and members that I Know will be for a lifetime.
❤️ From members. Oh, this is so satisfying! Every Livestream I did you made me feel like I am the coolest girl in the world! And you've showed so much appreciation on my work. My debut set and my second set (in MR now) has, together, hit more than 5000 likes and about 900 comments. How could I not be proud, thankful and joyful?!
❤️ From myself. That's maybe the biggest thing about it. Receiving so much love from the community helped me a lot to believe in myself. To care about my feelings. To put myself first and to feel more confident. You know, self-love road can be hard to walk, but definitely SG put extra energy fot me to walk thousands of miles on it!
A lot of wonderful things happened during this one year I'm here. And I wanna list some:
- my first Livestream, where I was so nervous and worried about my accent/English but you guys made me feel more than welcome.
- the moment I've turned pink: I will never forget the sensation when I heard @anilorac screaming on the phone: "my love, you've just turned pink, you are a SG now!!"
- everytime a set hits MR: so many anxiety before, excitiment durant and good feelings all the time a new like or comment arrive!
- the shootfests: I just can't describe how fun and intense was the 4 shootfests I was this year. I just wanna more and more, please!
So, after all this words and thoughts, I finish this blog post feeling very emotional and truly happy.
The past two months have been crazy, I'm in a life changing moment on my personal life and I couldn't be so active here as I wish. But I had to let you guys know that I love you so much and this is the coolest place on the internet.
Thank you 💕
@missy @penny