Hello everyone! I miss you!
I'm wanting to do a new set soon. Anyone have interesting theme/setting ideas for me? I'm no good at coming up with that sort of stuff! <3
Also I went to see The Dark Night Rises. It was amazing. Everyone should see it now. Drop what you're doing and see it.
That is all

I'm wanting to do a new set soon. Anyone have interesting theme/setting ideas for me? I'm no good at coming up with that sort of stuff! <3
Also I went to see The Dark Night Rises. It was amazing. Everyone should see it now. Drop what you're doing and see it.
That is all
About the theme for your next set (I can't wait for seeing you again) maybe a extension of teh pics you showed us in a older post the ones to model for a haidresser wil be a good idea. Anyway you are so beautiful that anything would be great. 

I'm sure i can come up with some themes, would love shooting you.