Happy New Years Everyone!!!
Sorry I haven't posted in nearly a month but It's been a busy time off. Holiday Shenanigans started on Dec 21st with Mead at Bushwakkers with Vodka_andHonesty, my drummer and RPG. It was a swell time, and I know why they limit customers to two pints. Whew... That shit is much more powerful than the soft taste lets on. We are not exactly light drinkers and after 2 pints of mead, a beer and another half pint of Mead bootlegged to us by Dallas' co-workers, we were absolutely incapable of using our 'inside voices' or 'act our ages'. Good times all around though, I think our waitress forgave us after I left her a very generous tip. I think it was the first annual. Next year we will be back for more guaranteed. Sorry Vodka_andHonesty. Although next year you can partake with more than Iced Tea.
Next stop was Vodka_andHonesty's families place for Xmas. She had all her relatives down and they rented a hall for Xmas supper. It was good times, everyone loved the previosly posted Gift Tags. Some of the 'unique' gifts we gave out were a shirt to Vodka_andHonesty's Bro with Uncle Sam Stating 'I want One in the Pink and Two in the Stink' as well as some fake Anal Beads for her Brother-in-law.
Santa was good to us as well as to our doggie Crouton. See for yourself:
Next Stop was Shaunavon where I grew up and most of my family and friends are from. My band Whitemud had New Years Booked so we had to be there from the 27th on to get a few practices in. I think we practiced drinking as much as playing. My band consists of 3 members under 30 and 2 over 50, I feel at times as though I may be the most mature though, so we are all on the same level.
We never got any photo's (sadly) but I bought a bottle of Rum for one of the older guys and a bottle of Vodka for the other. I then wrapped them with nasty cut-outs from a Penthouse. It might have been crude but did it ever get a laugh out of everyone. If I come across any photo's I'll be sure to post them.
The gig went well and had a pretty good turnout for a small town gig. It was fun even though after a holiday of partying we all had astronomical tolerances and just couldn't get a good buzz on while playing. We definately had a good time though. Pics below (Not as many as I would have liked but there will be more from the rest of my band later).
Here's to '07 being a good year.
Sorry I haven't posted in nearly a month but It's been a busy time off. Holiday Shenanigans started on Dec 21st with Mead at Bushwakkers with Vodka_andHonesty, my drummer and RPG. It was a swell time, and I know why they limit customers to two pints. Whew... That shit is much more powerful than the soft taste lets on. We are not exactly light drinkers and after 2 pints of mead, a beer and another half pint of Mead bootlegged to us by Dallas' co-workers, we were absolutely incapable of using our 'inside voices' or 'act our ages'. Good times all around though, I think our waitress forgave us after I left her a very generous tip. I think it was the first annual. Next year we will be back for more guaranteed. Sorry Vodka_andHonesty. Although next year you can partake with more than Iced Tea.
Next stop was Vodka_andHonesty's families place for Xmas. She had all her relatives down and they rented a hall for Xmas supper. It was good times, everyone loved the previosly posted Gift Tags. Some of the 'unique' gifts we gave out were a shirt to Vodka_andHonesty's Bro with Uncle Sam Stating 'I want One in the Pink and Two in the Stink' as well as some fake Anal Beads for her Brother-in-law.
Santa was good to us as well as to our doggie Crouton. See for yourself:

Next Stop was Shaunavon where I grew up and most of my family and friends are from. My band Whitemud had New Years Booked so we had to be there from the 27th on to get a few practices in. I think we practiced drinking as much as playing. My band consists of 3 members under 30 and 2 over 50, I feel at times as though I may be the most mature though, so we are all on the same level.

We never got any photo's (sadly) but I bought a bottle of Rum for one of the older guys and a bottle of Vodka for the other. I then wrapped them with nasty cut-outs from a Penthouse. It might have been crude but did it ever get a laugh out of everyone. If I come across any photo's I'll be sure to post them.
The gig went well and had a pretty good turnout for a small town gig. It was fun even though after a holiday of partying we all had astronomical tolerances and just couldn't get a good buzz on while playing. We definately had a good time though. Pics below (Not as many as I would have liked but there will be more from the rest of my band later).

Here's to '07 being a good year.
I KNOW I KNOW!!!! WHAT AN IDIOT I AM! I'm ashamed..... Boo for me on that one.....
My mom was gonna give me a ticket to go with her.... The reason i chose not to go, was because i had to work early in the morning....
I just kick myself in the ass everytime anyone talks to me about it....
Sooo sad!
And Blizzards make me sad especially when you want to be somewhere else......