Well, this is what we found in vodka_andhonesty's tummy yesterday.
Hmmm, looks like a fetus to me.
Halfway there, about 18 weeks left. It was pretty cool to watch it move it's little arms and legs and it's beating heart. Confirmed there was only one (no twins...whew) but the umbilical cord was in the way so we don't know if it's a boy or a girl. Next time I guess.
One thing is for sure, that little baby has seens some pretty bitchin live bands so far: Tool (twice), Red Hot Chili Peppers, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Mars Volta, Rolling Stones, Ani Difranco, Buck 65, The Black Crowes, ISIS. I think it needs it's own ticket for the next show it'll see though, but we'll see who comes along before March 9th.

Hmmm, looks like a fetus to me.
Halfway there, about 18 weeks left. It was pretty cool to watch it move it's little arms and legs and it's beating heart. Confirmed there was only one (no twins...whew) but the umbilical cord was in the way so we don't know if it's a boy or a girl. Next time I guess.
One thing is for sure, that little baby has seens some pretty bitchin live bands so far: Tool (twice), Red Hot Chili Peppers, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Mars Volta, Rolling Stones, Ani Difranco, Buck 65, The Black Crowes, ISIS. I think it needs it's own ticket for the next show it'll see though, but we'll see who comes along before March 9th.
or the baby is going to be deaf because we sabatoged its tiny little ears with all that "loud" music!

"devil" music