It's been waaay too long, but the stresses of life come before the computer. haha. gotta love it...not. anyway i'm just sittin here at 10:30 in the morning, breakin up some green and going to load a bowl. ahhhh the wonders of this magical plant, gotta love the "fuck it" in the plant.....
Onto something else...i was reading a friends facebook update and it read, "why do we always want what we can't have", god i've found myself in this predicament too. I feel so torn away from him...(rudely interrupted by lame comp, will return with rest of story later
Onto something else...i was reading a friends facebook update and it read, "why do we always want what we can't have", god i've found myself in this predicament too. I feel so torn away from him...(rudely interrupted by lame comp, will return with rest of story later

who just ate my sandwich!?