Well what a fuckin day...
Not only have I been woken up constantly by my appartment managers flunkies. The son-of-a-bitch hired painters who climbed OVER my THIRD FLOOR BALCONY WHILE I WASNT HOME. The assholes tipped over my plants and got paint all over EVERYTHING. Well the plants are dead and everything out there is basicly ruined.
We totaled it up.. it comes to about $1400 worth of damages. No Bullshit.
So were sending him a bill and if he refuses we are sicking my insurance co on him.
Worse still... I keep the patio door open all day because well our ventliation sucks and we are REQUIRED to keep the house aired out on the contract. So when they climbed up here they WALKED INTO MY HOME and did GODS KNOWS WHAT! Gee I thought living on the thrid floor protected me from VANDALS.
Not only have I been woken up constantly by my appartment managers flunkies. The son-of-a-bitch hired painters who climbed OVER my THIRD FLOOR BALCONY WHILE I WASNT HOME. The assholes tipped over my plants and got paint all over EVERYTHING. Well the plants are dead and everything out there is basicly ruined.
We totaled it up.. it comes to about $1400 worth of damages. No Bullshit.
So were sending him a bill and if he refuses we are sicking my insurance co on him.
Worse still... I keep the patio door open all day because well our ventliation sucks and we are REQUIRED to keep the house aired out on the contract. So when they climbed up here they WALKED INTO MY HOME and did GODS KNOWS WHAT! Gee I thought living on the thrid floor protected me from VANDALS.
Sorry to hear your management company is such a bunch of dicks. I find I get the best response by being manipulatively nice and cordial, as I point out inarguable points of law...
...such as landlords must offer 24 hour notice of entry regardless of whether you signed a "permission of entry" in the lease...
...and workmen entering your house without such notice is considered criminal unlawful entry, even if your door was open (if the door was closed, it would be "breaking and entering.")
...and climbing over your balcony would also be considered unlawful entry...
...and obvious property damage...yadda yadda yadda...
I would be really charming and nice about it. Kind of the "...you know I hate to even hassle about it, but there really was a lot of damage done that needs to be taken care of..." approach.
Also, most attorneys would only charge about $50-100 to review what happened and tell you what applicable Oregon laws were violated. If there was $1400 worth of damage, it would be well worth it...not to mention the psychological value. When you gently, and lovingly, mention your attorney checked into things and felt the $1400 was justified...but of course you told him, against his advice, that you preferred not to sue...it makes them afraid to make your life a living hell out of revenge, because you have a litigious lawyer barking at the gates.
Just thoughts :-)