This is really sad between this website and Warcraft I keep forgetting to draw and color! Bah im so fucking lazy! oh well I'll get over it and mabey put some art on my website soon. Well.. acctualy I dont think I can entirly blame SG and WoW for my lazyness (but they dont help) More disenchanted... I did some (what I think to be) really bad ass stuff recently. But Deveint art is so big and so full of popularty contests and mountains of crap art that my prettys got buired. Boo-hoo.. They have the "todays favorites" set up really shitty on there too.. If your a total social whore you get the masses sucking on your art cock adding everything you do to their favories just because you exist. You get shit hordes of coverage. While anti-social but good artists get ignored. I like elfwoods system better. Even the unknowns have a shot at getting noticed for just doing something good. Granted sometimes I think the elfwood mods go insane and make some garbage mods choice. Which leads me to the other disenchanted problem.. elfwood DIED on April 1st. So no feedback on ANYTHING.. and it will be another month before anything new of mine makes it on there.. Goddamnit. No art feedback makes Jack a grumpy boy..
And for some insane reason I have terrible 80s Butt rock in my head!! ARRRRRGGG! Scorpion NOOO!! "HERE I AM!!! Rock you like a HURRICANE!!!" Akk!
And for some insane reason I have terrible 80s Butt rock in my head!! ARRRRRGGG! Scorpion NOOO!! "HERE I AM!!! Rock you like a HURRICANE!!!" Akk!
I LOVE that black succubus
Come check out my stuff sometime