Oh holy moly was this blog topic made for me haha! But truthfully, I don't think I have even done half the things I'd like to be remembered for. @Rambo @lyxzen @missy
I really want to make a difference in conservation (surprise, surprise right?!) and be remembered for it. I am currently completing a course at my local zoo to become a certified zookeeper, giving me the accreditation I need to work at most zoos in Australia. Originally I got in to it because I wanted to work with animals I could build a bond with and get to know, because that is my favourite part of working with animals. In field research, or even in the pet store I am in now, you might meet an animal, or care for it anywhere from a few days to a month or so, but then they go off into the world and take a little piece of my heart with them. I still wonder about SO many animals I've worked with in the past, especially in the boarding kennel where I really fell in love with my regulars. I wish I could just send them a message, like "Hey Holly the Staffy, how are you? Are your owners treating you right? Are you still the sweetest sookiest staffy with the most beautiful smile?" BUT in a zoo, if I get a permanent position, I CAN fall in love with animals without them (mostly) being whisked away!
Now I'm in the course though, my mind is going fifty million miles an hour as I realize just how much more there is to it, and how relevant my degree in Conservation & Wildife Biology will be! (Spoiler - I graduated last week! here are some photos to prove it!)
Working in zoos opens up a whole different world, zoo exchange programs, breeding programs, researching endangered species, giving keeper talks, running animal encounters, the list goes on and on.
The part I'm most excited about, and what I would love to be remembered for is getting other people interested in Conservation and Wildlife. Throughout my career with animals I have constantly been inspired by other people, my Mama growing up was always rescuing birds, or raising orphan lambs (not wildlife, but the compassion required is all the same), working at the farm, the vets constantly inspired me, but it was my year 11/12 Biology teacher who really made me realise how badass the natural world is and initiated my thirst for knowledge to learn all I can about it. Now my trainers at the zoo, are the ones inspiring me, one being the head of marine mammals at Tarogna Zoo, and coordinates all the enrichment and conditioning for their animals (PS we don't keep killer whales in captivity in Australia), and another woman who is also keeper at Taronga, and has worked with Free the Bears & assisted in pioneering a pangolin resuce/rehab center in Vietnam. I want to be remembered, just like I remember each one of these inspirational women, for starting someone elses journey, for getting someone else excited. Especially children, I could never be a teacher but I would love love love to work in an education department at a zoo, and not to blow my own trumpet but I think my personality would kick ass at that.
The sad reality is, if more people don't start to care for this planet, and fight for it's survival, there really wont be much of a natural world left for future generations. Maybe I wont be remembered in the way David Attenborough, Jane Goodall or Steve Irwin will be, but if I can inspire those I meet through my work, my enthusiasm and my passion & be remembered by someone for that, I'll have done what I set out to do in this world <3
Lots of love,
Sunflower xxo
PS leave some love on my 7th set for SG Ginny if you havent already!