Hey SG family!
I'm going to get on to the what made you feel good this week blog homework! @rambo @missy @lyzxen
How are we all? I'm sorry I've been a bit MIA lately! I've been super busy with my last semester of uni and working my butt off to get my body better than it's ever been and shoot some killer sets for you all in 10 days time! I ADORE how much more active I am these days, the regular exercise has really evened out my moods as well as seeing changes in my body of course make me happy. A few girls have asked what I've been doing so I figured I may as well include it in a blog. On the days I don't work virtually all daylight hours (sun-thurs) I take my dogs, Chester & Grizzly, for a 5k walk in the bush or through parks each day for about an hour. Exercising with my dogs makes me feel doubley good because I get to see them frolicking around with goofy happy dog faces- this fills me with so much joy. Maybe a little too much. But hey I'm a crazy dog lady after all. Other than that I spend about an hour to 90 minutes 5-6 days a week doing yoga, squats and crunches. I split 200 squats (I started out doing 40), into 5 intervals and do yoga pos
es in between. This is the first time I've really stuck to any kind of exercise routine ever and I feel so much better for it. But this can take 2 or 3 hours out of my day on a good day, which means less free time to perve on all the babes on here and post blogs! I really miss blogging though so I'm going to make an effort even if some are short and photoless.

Thank you for all the love on my 4th set Spiderling! shot by dream team @frankndame. Its the first set I'd shot without my crazy curly hair and I was pretty nervous leading up to its release! I've read each comment and been bought to the edge of tears many times. Also my first set from the Sydney Shootfest Indigo shot by @exkyu is so painfully close to 2000 hearts. Please go give it some love if you haven't already, having 3/4 sets over 2000 hearts before I shoot more sets would make me so warm and fuzzy on the inside. Seeing all my SGAU family in the next 2 weeks is making me so excited! Its been 6 months since I've seen them all and can not wait to be in a house full of naked girls again. I'm staying with my darling wifeys @ebonyrae and @atlanticlungs as well as @varga & @dlilac in this gorgeous renovated church! It's so pretty and some amazing sets are going to be happen there. This year is the first year I'm attending the annual ball, and some pretty messy photos tend to eventuate from these events so prepare yourselves!

It was not this week, but last week haha- I did something REALLY fun that made me feel amazing! I spent 3 days trapping Quenda (southern brown bandictoots) on my uni campus. Our campus has patches of remnant bushland all through it, along with a farm bordered by a regional park of unmodified bush, so there is plenty of resident wildlife about. I was in my absolute element, running through the bush setting traps, checking them, taking measurements and checking for pouch young, taking DNA samples, and finally microchipping the animals before release. I've been feeling a bit lost as to what I'd like to do after uni and I enjoyed field work so much, it's definitely given me the push to continue in the Conservation & Wildlife Biology field rather than stick to my comfort zone of domestic animals. Exciting times are ahead :) I'd really love to do some volunteering for researchers interested in reptiles. We caught a couple of bobtail lizards and to me they were far more exciting than fluffy little bandicoots! I never really had the urge to study mammals and never really knew why because I adore farm animals, and dogs, but my new found fascination wit reptiles was clearly just waiting to be uncovered.
Next time you here from me will probably be when I'm in Melbourne for the shootfest! Make sure to follow me on Periscope (at sunflower_sgh) as I'll be streaming most of my sets and lots of behind the scenes goodness for you all.
Lots of love!
Sunflower xxxx