So I'm sitting here procrastinating away... I have an exam tomorrow morning. BUT I am also shooting my very first set with @Benjiwa and the butterflies in my tummy are just going so crazy I can't focus properly. I'm pretty well prepared for my exam though, so I thought maybe if I did a blog post, I'd get my SG procrastination all out in one burst & then hopefully I can get a bit more work done.
I thought once again I'd smash out two lots of @missy & @rambo homework at once today.
My favourite movie(s) of all time is HARRY POTTER.
Of course I love the books the most but I have probably watched each movie upwards of 100 times. Whenever I am sick, sad or lonely, Harry, Ron, Hermione & Hagrid are my best friends. My fiance tries to tell me I'm too old, but I know it's not possible. I can't really put my finger on what I love the most, it's all of it. But I will admit Voldemort still scares the absolute shit out of me to this day. I'd definitely be sleezy for Ron Weasely but Emma Watson is my biggest girl crush. For life. Fun fact: I also had blonde uncontrollable curly hair growing up.
Me with my little mousie Dutchie dressed up as Bellatrix Lestrange about 3 years ago.
I don't know if I give particularly good advice, but I love finding inspirational quotes when I'm going through a hard time & they tend to stick with me.
1. "Drink in the light of the sun from whatever direction it shines"
I have this one tattooed on my thigh, because I sometimes really struggle with this. I do like to have a good worry about things but sometimes just to being reminded that there is always some good you just need to find it. I also take it to mean that opportunities are going to arise from unexpected places & even if its scary I just have to take it. It's also similar to my favourite Dumbledore quote "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light".
2."Be with those who help your being."
Don't waste your time on people who don't deserve you. Pretty self explanatory, but being around people who bring you down is bad for your soul & completely unnecessary. When you find good ones, love them with all your heart & hang on tight.
3. "Being afraid of things going wrong will not make them go right."
I probably should get this one tattooed across my forehead. Slowly with time I am getting better at not worrying about things so much, & I can mainly put this down to my T. ( I hate using the word fiance all the time it sounds so poncy so were going with T from now on) He is so good at putting things in perspective & reminding me to come back down to earth a little.
4. "If you never worry about how much money you have, there will always be enough" This ones from my Marmee. Last year financially was an absolute a hole. It was a real struggle & not much fun at all. My mum told me this, and as soon as I started living by it things started looking up, and to this day I still do live by it & I swear it works. It doesn't mean be STUPID with money, obviously be aware. Yes I still have unpaid bills because I'm a broke student but I always have enough money to get me by & get a few things I want too.
5. "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" - Dr Zeus ( I think?)
If you truly feel something is right for you in your heart, soul & stomach then it is. Those who love you will support you doing what is right for you.
And obviously a blog can not be complete without at least one sexy photo!