Not really looking for anything here but to vent my sadness to people I feel a connection too, so please don't read too much into this it is just my need to get this out.
So I will start this off by saying I am a terrible guy as far as relationships are concerned. I was married once and by the past tense you can...
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So I will start this off by saying I am a terrible guy as far as relationships are concerned. I was married once and by the past tense you can...
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Well its been far to long for an update and if nothing else today has reminded me to always try and stay in touch with friends and loved ones. I was at work today when I was called by my brother to be told that my Father had commited Suicide late Sunday night or Monday morning by slitting his wrists. He was found because he...
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There is absolutely nothing I could say that would help, except to let you know that you are thought of and loved. I know that this had to be a hell of a blow. I know that you and your Dad didn't always have the best link between you... All I can do is send you tons of love and hugs, both from myself, and from Griffin....
Well its been way too long since I updated to say the least. Well I have now officialy (as of 2am yesterday) moved to Anchorage. So I have been spending two days running around in a monkey suit trying to find a job. Lots of leads and a few interviews but no yes's yet. The sad part is that it looks as if I may...
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I fucking hate PTSD!
I am a grown man and should not be stuck in my own head so bad as to wake up remembering entire nightmares so badly that I have to draw my pistol and clear the whole house and then take the gun and the dog just to go to the outhouse to pee. I shouldn't even be having nightmares to begin...
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I am a grown man and should not be stuck in my own head so bad as to wake up remembering entire nightmares so badly that I have to draw my pistol and clear the whole house and then take the gun and the dog just to go to the outhouse to pee. I shouldn't even be having nightmares to begin...
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That totally sucks, man. I feel for you, but don't know what to tell ya.
Well life as usual continues to be strange and inspiring. This has been an odd week to say the least.
My recovery from hospitalization is still on going and I am getting much of my strength and energy back but still just don't feel quite right. That and a week of emotional rollercoasters certainly has made it an eventful week.
Friday after work was me...
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My recovery from hospitalization is still on going and I am getting much of my strength and energy back but still just don't feel quite right. That and a week of emotional rollercoasters certainly has made it an eventful week.
Friday after work was me...
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i really loved 28 weeks later. i'm so sorry that it brought out some shit for you though. i can't imagine what that's like.
i'm not sure how a relationship with one poly would work but it sounds like you guys make it happen. as long as you're both happy... that's what matters. keep the communication lines open, ya know? and all will be good.
thanks for your thoughts on my last day, btw. i'm really glad it's over.
i'm not sure how a relationship with one poly would work but it sounds like you guys make it happen. as long as you're both happy... that's what matters. keep the communication lines open, ya know? and all will be good.
thanks for your thoughts on my last day, btw. i'm really glad it's over.
Sorry again about Friday night, I didn't realize then that you had other plans that night.... As for Saturday, I wish I had realized just how bad it was for you. I am glad that Gerri was there to help.
The demo did go well, it was good that we were there.
You were fine at fighter practice...really. It happens, often. The joke about Magnus breaking the populace is an honest one. Fighters get hurt, it is inherent in the game we play. You were honorable and chivalrous and there was nothing you did wrong, really.
Glad the movies were fun and the company enjoyable. Sorry I didn't come over....
Sorry again about Friday night, I didn't realize then that you had other plans that night.... As for Saturday, I wish I had realized just how bad it was for you. I am glad that Gerri was there to help.
The demo did go well, it was good that we were there.
You were fine at fighter practice...really. It happens, often. The joke about Magnus breaking the populace is an honest one. Fighters get hurt, it is inherent in the game we play. You were honorable and chivalrous and there was nothing you did wrong, really.
Glad the movies were fun and the company enjoyable. Sorry I didn't come over....
So, life as it usually does has gotten interesting. I managed to wear myself down to the nub so bad last week that I put myself in the hospital last tuesday with Viral Gastro interitous. In otherwords bad puky, shitty, spewing from both ends stomach infection. While there I managed to get told that I might be one of the lucky contestants who seems to...
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Man, you've had some terrible luck with your health lately. That really sucks, I'm sorry you've felt so miserable. Glad you're still going to the SCA events even if you can't participate as much as you'd like.
I don't care for my job much either right now, even though it feels like I should like it. Maybe it's just because I know I *have* to do it? I'd like it more if it was just a well-paid hobby, i think.
I don't care for my job much either right now, even though it feels like I should like it. Maybe it's just because I know I *have* to do it? I'd like it more if it was just a well-paid hobby, i think.
There are a lot of girls who have done sets in the deasert, lots have had swords in their sets, lots of girls don't wear shoes in their sets - there are many who have come before me and many who will come after me. Flux's deasert set is awsome, I don't claim to copy it nor do I claim to be origonal. Perhaps there's someting in the air or planets or something, I'm being way to sensitive and others are misusing their words more than usual. I'm not trying to be bitchy. Oi! Keep having fun with the SCA. I remember going to a few events as a kid cus my Aunt was into it. It was neet.
OK so I have been totally horrible about updating... I know no exscuse and all but hell it had taken a debilitating hospitalizing sickness to get me to sit down and write. So this whole sickness thing first. I have been sick at least once a week for almost three months now. From little stuff like a cough and the head cold I have had...
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The moderators are accountable to customer satisfaction, not any abstract notions of free speech or fairness. And, to be fair, I am kind of a jerk.
I would also like to say that I respect your opinion even thougth I may not agree with you. As the wife of a soldier who is in Iraq for the third time, I may oppose the war, but I have a new respect of other people's opinions who have experienced it firsthand. I may think most of the politicians have their heads up their asses, but I would never resort to name calling and disrespecting someone who has served in that area of the world and seen things that I can not even imagine.
OK so I may just be the luckiest SOB ever! This week has been fucking amazing. I went north back to Fairbanks on Monday thinking I was totally screwed, no job, a speeding ticket on the way home and no idea what I was going to do for money. So on Tuesday I went to a job fair that I found out about at the...
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Sorry it took me so long to catch up on blogs
Glad you had an awesome weekend and a better end to an odd month... The job seems to suit you and you definitely seem happier... Not that the 3some didn't help there
Maybe someday I'll get to play too....
(yeah, right

OK its not much but its something...Its been over a month since I have posted. This is the time I probably should have been posting the most. My life has been both good and bad, up and down. I have been going into great periods of joy only to be followed by imense pain and depresion. This whole surgery thing has really thrown me for...
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Sorry you're having such a rough time. I know what you mean about not knowing what to do with yourself since you've been somewhat immobilized. I think once your arm heals more you'll naturally start to feel better overall. Don't get too worried yet, things can change in an instant. Hang in there dude.
Just for you
Thanks for being patient with me btw..... It is appreciated...
Hope you have a great time this week in Anchorage...and that you actually decide to come home to Fairbanks

Thanks for being patient with me btw..... It is appreciated...

Hope you have a great time this week in Anchorage...and that you actually decide to come home to Fairbanks

Ok so I may have forgotten to mention that I have had an injured shoulder for almost four years now and the Army in all there infinate wisdome is just now fixing it. Lots has happened with it in the last two years but this whole one handed typing thing is kicking my ass so will write more when I have more use of my...
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Details! Details!
But by the time you are healed, you'll be doing a lot of things well with one hand
You are healing, so be happy (((Hug)))

You are healing, so be happy (((Hug)))

Surgery went well though they found more damage inside so recovery will be a little longer than expected. Thankfully I am "stronger than anyone in your condition should be" so he expects a fast and complete recovery. I am stll a lttle drugged out so I will try and write more later. I will try to write more when I am more with it.
Yeah I thought I missed something too. Hope you recover quickly!
Hang in there Sweetheart...the second day is usually the worst. Tomorrow should be better and by Sunday you'll be feeling much more like your normal self....
Get some sleep Silly!

Get some sleep Silly!