I really have nothing to say.
1. (the numbers are 4Stella4Star) Been a busy week at work, and it's only going to get busier.
2. I have been drinking too much white wine and spending too much time on www.julesjordan.com.
2a. Ed Harcourt: 'I drink a lot of wine when I'm on my own'
3. Wednesday, the dentist shows me the yellowness of my back teeth and the redness of my gums and implies that maybe my smoking isn't quite as 'social' as I am making out.
4. I have a dream in which Simply Red turn up to a party and spoil it for everyone else.
5. Thursday, for International Car Free Day, I walk to work, an hour and a quarter each way (probably ten miles total) across the fields and through the woods. Noir would have been proud of me. It's beautiful, but I wouldn't want to do it every day.
6. I scrape the last of the red pesto from the bottom of the jar, carefully avoiding the mould growing around the sides.
7. This evening I listened to a record by a band called Beef Terminal.
8. October is dead in the water and it has even started yet. For the next 5 weeks I will be living on 45 (= $80 = 66) a week. Please don't tell me you think this is a lot.
9. The Badger Brewery's Golden Glory is perhaps the greatest ale I have ever tasted.
10. 'A knife, a fork, a bockle and a cork/That's the way we spell New York'
11. It looks as though PCH is going to take the job in Amsterdam. Fucking go for it PCH!
PCH is like my other brother. I have known him for twenty years and can't begin to tell you how much I love him.
This is him, out of his skill in a bar in Pigalle at 7am after fifteen straight hours of drinking:
This is him smoking in my apartment:
This is the two of us, drunk all to hell:
12a. I finally wrote to Kate and told her to stop. Told her I was the devil.
12b. I finally heard from Andrea, two e-mails in two days, and I fell in love all over again, as I do every time she writes me. She tells me how she yelled at a woman on the street who hit her child with a stick and how she went to the beach during Hurricane Ophelia. That's my girl...
12c. And Jesus, did Emma C look hot at work today in her brown woollen slacks and black polo-neck. She's got her Fall wardrobe out already, and it's making me feel inadequate. But then, what doesn't?
13. I don't know what else to tell you. I am a skint, workaholic satyr with an drinking problem and hygiene issues. Why would you want to be my friend?
(13b. American Music Club: 'Now you're defeated, babe, you're worth more to me than gold')
14. I always thought Rita was a sexy, dangerous name. Here's what Rita makes me think of:
i) Hayworth, obviously.
ii) the dead friend on Lou Reed's Magic and Loss: 'Rita, who you wouldn't know...'
iii) the dog in Krzyzstof Kieslowski's Trois couleurs: Rouge
PS, 15. I am drunk, so: sorry about this. But I could complain at some considerable length about the difference between straight and gay dating sites. Straight women = humourless. Gay men = one track minds. Everybody = shallow and boring. Fucking fuck it. You fuckers.
1. (the numbers are 4Stella4Star) Been a busy week at work, and it's only going to get busier.
2. I have been drinking too much white wine and spending too much time on www.julesjordan.com.
2a. Ed Harcourt: 'I drink a lot of wine when I'm on my own'
3. Wednesday, the dentist shows me the yellowness of my back teeth and the redness of my gums and implies that maybe my smoking isn't quite as 'social' as I am making out.
4. I have a dream in which Simply Red turn up to a party and spoil it for everyone else.
5. Thursday, for International Car Free Day, I walk to work, an hour and a quarter each way (probably ten miles total) across the fields and through the woods. Noir would have been proud of me. It's beautiful, but I wouldn't want to do it every day.
6. I scrape the last of the red pesto from the bottom of the jar, carefully avoiding the mould growing around the sides.
7. This evening I listened to a record by a band called Beef Terminal.
8. October is dead in the water and it has even started yet. For the next 5 weeks I will be living on 45 (= $80 = 66) a week. Please don't tell me you think this is a lot.
9. The Badger Brewery's Golden Glory is perhaps the greatest ale I have ever tasted.
10. 'A knife, a fork, a bockle and a cork/That's the way we spell New York'
11. It looks as though PCH is going to take the job in Amsterdam. Fucking go for it PCH!
PCH is like my other brother. I have known him for twenty years and can't begin to tell you how much I love him.
This is him, out of his skill in a bar in Pigalle at 7am after fifteen straight hours of drinking:

This is him smoking in my apartment:

This is the two of us, drunk all to hell:

12a. I finally wrote to Kate and told her to stop. Told her I was the devil.
12b. I finally heard from Andrea, two e-mails in two days, and I fell in love all over again, as I do every time she writes me. She tells me how she yelled at a woman on the street who hit her child with a stick and how she went to the beach during Hurricane Ophelia. That's my girl...
12c. And Jesus, did Emma C look hot at work today in her brown woollen slacks and black polo-neck. She's got her Fall wardrobe out already, and it's making me feel inadequate. But then, what doesn't?
13. I don't know what else to tell you. I am a skint, workaholic satyr with an drinking problem and hygiene issues. Why would you want to be my friend?
(13b. American Music Club: 'Now you're defeated, babe, you're worth more to me than gold')
14. I always thought Rita was a sexy, dangerous name. Here's what Rita makes me think of:
i) Hayworth, obviously.
ii) the dead friend on Lou Reed's Magic and Loss: 'Rita, who you wouldn't know...'
iii) the dog in Krzyzstof Kieslowski's Trois couleurs: Rouge

PS, 15. I am drunk, so: sorry about this. But I could complain at some considerable length about the difference between straight and gay dating sites. Straight women = humourless. Gay men = one track minds. Everybody = shallow and boring. Fucking fuck it. You fuckers.
or something...