So Al wants to see evidence of your/my comments running off the edge of the page. I'm not sure she quite believes me, seems she's never seen anything exactly like this before. Story of my life...
'If I was a liar
I'd have a few more friends
The chances are my heart
Would never mend'
- Kasey Chambers, 'More than Ordinary'
After three days of ten-straight-hours reading, I finally finished Keith Ansell Pearson's Viroid Life: Perspectives on Nietzsche and the Transhuman Condition (Routledge, 1997). I took so many goddamn notes, I might as well have just photocopied the whole book.
It only took so long because it's so fucking good though. This is the best theoretical text I've read in years and I suspect it's going to determine many of my lines of thought - on life, on evolution, on poliitics - for years to come. As such, it will have supplanted Jean-Franois Lyotard's L'Inhumain: Causeries sur le temps (Galile, 1988) and, significantly, Viroid Life contains the most trenchant and unanswerable critique of Lyotard I have ever read.
In his last paragraph, Ansell Pearson writes this:
'The only teaching that is faithful to life's betrayal of itself, to its complexity and contingency, to its desire for creative destruction, is one of evil.'
'Some days make me
Feel weak and shakey
Some fly right by me
Like a paper aeroplane'
- Kasey Chambers, 'Paper Aeroplane'
I am drinking white wine. And it's only Tuesday night.

'If I was a liar
I'd have a few more friends
The chances are my heart
Would never mend'
- Kasey Chambers, 'More than Ordinary'
After three days of ten-straight-hours reading, I finally finished Keith Ansell Pearson's Viroid Life: Perspectives on Nietzsche and the Transhuman Condition (Routledge, 1997). I took so many goddamn notes, I might as well have just photocopied the whole book.
It only took so long because it's so fucking good though. This is the best theoretical text I've read in years and I suspect it's going to determine many of my lines of thought - on life, on evolution, on poliitics - for years to come. As such, it will have supplanted Jean-Franois Lyotard's L'Inhumain: Causeries sur le temps (Galile, 1988) and, significantly, Viroid Life contains the most trenchant and unanswerable critique of Lyotard I have ever read.
In his last paragraph, Ansell Pearson writes this:
'The only teaching that is faithful to life's betrayal of itself, to its complexity and contingency, to its desire for creative destruction, is one of evil.'

'Some days make me
Feel weak and shakey
Some fly right by me
Like a paper aeroplane'
- Kasey Chambers, 'Paper Aeroplane'
I am drinking white wine. And it's only Tuesday night.

Oh I forgot to thank you for the compliment on my ammended fantasy.....
I am bad.

the prom queen Gitz! I can't believe she actually REMOVED it from it's bag to lay in it. I need to enter her in a talent/superiority competition.