I have quoted these lines before, here, there and everywhere, but they have lost none of their relevance to my life. Today I quote them most especially for Inannamute, who asks the right questions, for Annika, who doesn't want my x's, and for AverageGroupie, you know why...
Now come on shotgun bride
What makes me envy your life?
Faceless, nameless, innocent, blameless and free
What's that like to be?
- Natalie Merchant, 'Motherland'
I am going away to visit some friends and have a gay weekend in Brighton. Wish me luck on the M25 and, er, wish me lots of COCK, I suppose.
Now come on shotgun bride
What makes me envy your life?
Faceless, nameless, innocent, blameless and free
What's that like to be?
- Natalie Merchant, 'Motherland'
I am going away to visit some friends and have a gay weekend in Brighton. Wish me luck on the M25 and, er, wish me lots of COCK, I suppose.

Haha, exactly
I still hate people, though. So much it's crazy.
Well I leave too soon and have accomplished not onething, with my house, paying my bills, having proper attire, nothing. I think i'm jsut going to go bac kto bed.
Where are you at?