August 2005,
For Kate, clearly
and for AverageGroupie, dearly
also for poor old Vivian
August for me has mainly been about self-disbelief, bad moods, compulsive identification with losers, regrets (mainly financial), physical activity and road traffic accidents.
Fucking roll on September!
And/but, in response to my whingeing about thermodynamics a couple of days ago:
'However expressed, the Second Law is a rule from which there seems no appeal. In thermodynamics that is true. But the Second Law has had a life of its own in intellectual realms far removed from science, taking the blame for disintegration of societies, economic decay, the breakdown of manners, and many other variants on the decadent theme. These secondary, metaphorical incarnations of the Second Law now seem especially misguided. In our world, complexity flourishes, and those looking to science for a general understanding of nature's habits will be better served by the laws of chaos.'
- James Gleick, Chaos (1987)

For Kate, clearly
and for AverageGroupie, dearly
also for poor old Vivian

August for me has mainly been about self-disbelief, bad moods, compulsive identification with losers, regrets (mainly financial), physical activity and road traffic accidents.
Fucking roll on September!
And/but, in response to my whingeing about thermodynamics a couple of days ago:
'However expressed, the Second Law is a rule from which there seems no appeal. In thermodynamics that is true. But the Second Law has had a life of its own in intellectual realms far removed from science, taking the blame for disintegration of societies, economic decay, the breakdown of manners, and many other variants on the decadent theme. These secondary, metaphorical incarnations of the Second Law now seem especially misguided. In our world, complexity flourishes, and those looking to science for a general understanding of nature's habits will be better served by the laws of chaos.'
- James Gleick, Chaos (1987)

I meant to contact you but I was truly out of it; I even went to bed at like 1am, real early!