Bad shit happens to everyone, Sean. Everyone. You aint special. But your whole generation, youre scab pickers. You just cant leave well enough alone.
- Dennis Lehane
Si tu veux dcrire la vrit, mets-toi bien dans la tte que le monde nest quun foutoir. Les hommes ne pensent qu une chose, cest baiser, et ceux qui pensent autre chose sont fichus. Ils se noient dans les eaux bourbeuses du sentiment.
- Pierre Lestringuez, quoted by Jean Renoir
Paths that cross
Will cross again
- Patti Smith
Lord, why does my sorrow make me feel so good?
- Ben Christophers
Emo Wars
Rest In Self Pity
We wallow in our disdain for the school of hard knocks
we will not leave our houses for days, weeks, months, years
and disgruntled complaints of how nothing ever happens for us
where have our well laid plans gone to in this rubble of self esteem?
we will sit and debate who has it harder
who is the most fucked up
compare suicide scars and wrist slashing stories
should we mix valium, vicodin and vodka for a suicide slide cocktail?
the world is over.
it is the week-end
the world's week is ending.
my life is over- yet the neighbors are having a party
noise will disturb my plans for a quiet death
but nothing ever happens right anyways.
I shall destroy anything that makes me smile
I'll swear off of sex, drugs and alcohol for the little while
that I go to prepare my black hair dye and clean my dark rimmed glasses
and draw on emotion with black eyeliner.
I will erase my distatse for current world events with black nail polish.
Then I will do thirty six shots of any liquor I can find to wash down horse pills of anti-depressants, painkillers, and no-doz.
I will sleep away this pain only hatred can feed.
I will stay awake to sing a love song to a boy that hates me and reject 17 other boys that actually like me.
You are far more emo than I am. I am far more emo than you are. Let's examine the details.
Abusive homes- 1 for you, 0 for me.
manic depression-check for the both of us
sexual abuse- 1 for me, 0 for you.
bad childhood- 1000 emo points for both of us
borderline personality disorder- disorder our perspectives
bad relationships- check check check check check check check check check.
Distaste for humanity rules my mind
dislike for my current state in this world overcomes me as we argue
who has it harder who hates themselves more wallowing in self pity about all the thiings we cannot afford
welcome my friends, to our emo wars.
- Eireann
' - What do you want?
- I want to want to live.'
- Woody Allen, Melinda and Melinda
'I want to say I'm sorry for things I haven't done yet
Things will shortly get completely out of hand'
- The Mountain Goats
- Dennis Lehane
Si tu veux dcrire la vrit, mets-toi bien dans la tte que le monde nest quun foutoir. Les hommes ne pensent qu une chose, cest baiser, et ceux qui pensent autre chose sont fichus. Ils se noient dans les eaux bourbeuses du sentiment.
- Pierre Lestringuez, quoted by Jean Renoir
Paths that cross
Will cross again
- Patti Smith
Lord, why does my sorrow make me feel so good?
- Ben Christophers
Emo Wars
Rest In Self Pity
We wallow in our disdain for the school of hard knocks
we will not leave our houses for days, weeks, months, years
and disgruntled complaints of how nothing ever happens for us
where have our well laid plans gone to in this rubble of self esteem?
we will sit and debate who has it harder
who is the most fucked up
compare suicide scars and wrist slashing stories
should we mix valium, vicodin and vodka for a suicide slide cocktail?
the world is over.
it is the week-end
the world's week is ending.
my life is over- yet the neighbors are having a party
noise will disturb my plans for a quiet death
but nothing ever happens right anyways.
I shall destroy anything that makes me smile
I'll swear off of sex, drugs and alcohol for the little while
that I go to prepare my black hair dye and clean my dark rimmed glasses
and draw on emotion with black eyeliner.
I will erase my distatse for current world events with black nail polish.
Then I will do thirty six shots of any liquor I can find to wash down horse pills of anti-depressants, painkillers, and no-doz.
I will sleep away this pain only hatred can feed.
I will stay awake to sing a love song to a boy that hates me and reject 17 other boys that actually like me.
You are far more emo than I am. I am far more emo than you are. Let's examine the details.
Abusive homes- 1 for you, 0 for me.
manic depression-check for the both of us
sexual abuse- 1 for me, 0 for you.
bad childhood- 1000 emo points for both of us
borderline personality disorder- disorder our perspectives
bad relationships- check check check check check check check check check.
Distaste for humanity rules my mind
dislike for my current state in this world overcomes me as we argue
who has it harder who hates themselves more wallowing in self pity about all the thiings we cannot afford
welcome my friends, to our emo wars.
- Eireann
' - What do you want?
- I want to want to live.'
- Woody Allen, Melinda and Melinda
'I want to say I'm sorry for things I haven't done yet
Things will shortly get completely out of hand'
- The Mountain Goats
i think my natural defenses help me to not absorb that kind of stuff. as soon as i hear someone talking about who's dating who or whatever, i just shut off my ears. reminds me of those horrible pop magazines that have all the gossip about who's gain weight this year and how to get a bikini body after having a baby.
