Tired, broke, dispirited, generally ebbing, and also a little drunk, this is all the truth I can handle tonight:
'I don't believe you know me
Although you know my name
I don't believe the faults I have
Are only mine to blame
I don't believe in magic
It's only in the mind
I don't believe i'd love somebody
Just to pass the time..
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'I don't believe you know me
Although you know my name
I don't believe the faults I have
Are only mine to blame
I don't believe in magic
It's only in the mind
I don't believe i'd love somebody
Just to pass the time..
Read More
Hey, I had a big response to your last comment typed up and I Goddamned accidentally deleted it. Yes, good to see you-- certainly.
Hope all's well. Sorry, I haven't been around much-- very busy. Will get back when I have more time.
Take care.
Hey, I had a big response to your last comment typed up and I Goddamned accidentally deleted it. Yes, good to see you-- certainly.
Hope all's well. Sorry, I haven't been around much-- very busy. Will get back when I have more time.
Take care.
give me a holler when you plan to be Stateside next
I think we should meet up! I'll be in Albany for quite some time, although hopefully not forever
isn't it remarkable that Kylie Minogue is still as vibrant as ever, after all these years
I think we should meet up! I'll be in Albany for quite some time, although hopefully not forever
isn't it remarkable that Kylie Minogue is still as vibrant as ever, after all these years
'Avec le temps, va, tout s'en va
Et l'on se sent blanchi comme un cheval fourbu
Et l'on se sent glac dans un lit de hasard
Et l'on se sent tout seul peut-tre mais peinard
Et l'on se sent flou par les annes perdues
Alors vraiment, avec le temps on n'aime plus.'
Lo Ferr, 'Avec le temps'
Et l'on se sent blanchi comme un cheval fourbu
Et l'on se sent glac dans un lit de hasard
Et l'on se sent tout seul peut-tre mais peinard
Et l'on se sent flou par les annes perdues
Alors vraiment, avec le temps on n'aime plus.'
Lo Ferr, 'Avec le temps'
Miss you.
Hope you're alright.

Hey brotha
Cette chanson est vraiment nulle chier
mais a fait partie du Panthon de la Chanson Franaise. Les gens se masturbent en l'coutant
J'aime pas ce mec. Mme Leonard Cohen c'est un Marx Brother ct.
C'est vraiment un pousse au suicide.
Bon comment a va ?
T'avais pas un anniversaire fter ?
Cette chanson est vraiment nulle chier
mais a fait partie du Panthon de la Chanson Franaise. Les gens se masturbent en l'coutant
J'aime pas ce mec. Mme Leonard Cohen c'est un Marx Brother ct.
C'est vraiment un pousse au suicide.

Bon comment a va ?
T'avais pas un anniversaire fter ?

I got a 'love E' in a text message from Emma C!
But she's drunk, and it's nearly 2 in the morning...
But she's drunk, and it's nearly 2 in the morning...
I'm bitter towards text messaging. Has technology so consumed our lives that we can't even CALL and SPEAK to each other anymore? Everything is 2-D and it's a subpar medium... don't send me a fucking text message. Stand with me on the balcony and smoke a cigarette and SPEAK.
isn't love wonderful?

'I was sitting in a crumby movie with my head on my chin
All the violence that occurs, seems like we never win'
- Brian Wilson
'Wherever you are, I hope you're singing now'
- Morrissey (don't get me wrong, I fucking hate Morrissey: this is for Andrea, just)
'I know a liar and his name is Cupid
I may be dumb but I'm not...
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All the violence that occurs, seems like we never win'
- Brian Wilson
'Wherever you are, I hope you're singing now'
- Morrissey (don't get me wrong, I fucking hate Morrissey: this is for Andrea, just)
'I know a liar and his name is Cupid
I may be dumb but I'm not...
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I can but my phone pics are really shitty as they are all grainy
I need a better phone
I'll send one to you on email NOW
Baise is really cool, I love her to bits and she leaves totally awesome testimonials too - go check out mine (it's the most recent one under her other SG name
Love and kisses
Michelle xx

Baise is really cool, I love her to bits and she leaves totally awesome testimonials too - go check out mine (it's the most recent one under her other SG name

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
"It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate.."

Pllllllllllllllease tell me you hold your fags (tabs quoi) like this:
a suivre

a suivre
diiiirty ladies.
Slept for over nine hours last night, and finally feel a little better. Had some cool dreams too:
In my dream I wake up on the sofa (this is a dream: I don't have a sofa) only to discover that there are two, probably Swedish, backpacker-type girls in my bed (or, in a different bed that I don't have), intertwined with each other, since they...
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In my dream I wake up on the sofa (this is a dream: I don't have a sofa) only to discover that there are two, probably Swedish, backpacker-type girls in my bed (or, in a different bed that I don't have), intertwined with each other, since they...
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He envisions a world where useless men (= all of them) are done away with and women just groove on each other for all time.
HA!!! You are bad! For the first part and the second--is that a direct Valerie quote? It sounds familiar. Good job, chap!
Whatsamatta with my ass!? I know though I need to update. I plan to today. I was waiting for photobucket, b/c it was down last night. I just can't update without pitchas.
HA!!! You are bad! For the first part and the second--is that a direct Valerie quote? It sounds familiar. Good job, chap!

Whatsamatta with my ass!? I know though I need to update. I plan to today. I was waiting for photobucket, b/c it was down last night. I just can't update without pitchas.

1. I believe it is then a direct quoting of the film (which I will need ot be renting very soon to see who Theroux played!). I am certain!
2. Spoken like a true East Coaster.
2. Spoken like a true East Coaster.

Friday, after work, Emma C and I go and watch Gus Van Sant's Last Days. Emma C, who obviously doesn't go to the cinema very often, thinks it's the best American film she's seen since The Conversation (1974). I, who go to the cinema every week, think it's only the third truly interesting film I've seen this year (after Million Dollar Baby and Mysterious...
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teach me master. I am willing to learn
now playing Pete Seeger. Well I am going to bed soon

now playing Pete Seeger. Well I am going to bed soon

get some fig rolls down your neck.
that'll sort you out
Posh book comment meant with some reverence not mockery! Actually I need to say that I don't know half of them. Looks like I shot off half-cocked there.
And finally....come, come. No Pete Seeger? I bet you've got a copy of Wimoweh somewhere
OK- so as the bank robber in Dirty Harry said: " I gatsta go". (well he didn't he said I gatsta know, but hey.. poetic license is a aonderful thing)
[Edited on Oct 10, 2005 10:10PM]
that'll sort you out

Posh book comment meant with some reverence not mockery! Actually I need to say that I don't know half of them. Looks like I shot off half-cocked there.

And finally....come, come. No Pete Seeger? I bet you've got a copy of Wimoweh somewhere

OK- so as the bank robber in Dirty Harry said: " I gatsta go". (well he didn't he said I gatsta know, but hey.. poetic license is a aonderful thing)
[Edited on Oct 10, 2005 10:10PM]
No, it's not me on the picture. It's just for the Halloween mood.
As for the beginning of my post, it's just that I bought some Family Guy and Invader Zim stuff. Two of my favorite shows.
I've got a cool cookbook that was made by nutritionist of the University, in French of course, so If you want I can send you some recipes, there are easy, don't need much preparation, don't cost much and are delicious
Just give me a category (soup, dessert, beef, tofu, salad) and I'll send you something.
You're six year plan sounds great, are you already publishing? Mine is just the main path to follow but there's always place for what may come along, and that's usually the better part. I have another project too, but I'll talk about it only when I'll be sure it will work out but you're the first to know. I'll say more later.
I wish you an excellent October time.
, Otsu.
As for the beginning of my post, it's just that I bought some Family Guy and Invader Zim stuff. Two of my favorite shows.

I've got a cool cookbook that was made by nutritionist of the University, in French of course, so If you want I can send you some recipes, there are easy, don't need much preparation, don't cost much and are delicious

You're six year plan sounds great, are you already publishing? Mine is just the main path to follow but there's always place for what may come along, and that's usually the better part. I have another project too, but I'll talk about it only when I'll be sure it will work out but you're the first to know. I'll say more later.
I wish you an excellent October time.

you betcha!
gimme dates!
Woah- check out Mr. Popular... 3 pages of comments.
gimme dates!
Woah- check out Mr. Popular... 3 pages of comments.

Just been watching Martin Scorsese's No Direction Home documentary about Bob Dylan. Now I am an unconditional Dylan fan, consider him probably the greatest songwriter the world has ever known, in a whole other league to, let's say, Lennon and McCartney. Lennon and McCartney are like circus clowns next to the prophet that is Bobby D. So of course I appreciate the chance to just...
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I do take PayPal. I'll try to find them on the web for you because I'm not sure how to get my pictures from my new camera to my computer.
Oh wait. I have another camera.
Hang on.
Hang on.
"This plateau may be what they call 'middle age'."
Oh, we have all this in common, Sunfeather, even the "elongated" student years, all except the alcohol and the "s" in -ize. But pretty much all the other . . . I wish someone would pay me to be an oversexed, hypereducated college student forever. I seem to be uncomfortable in my workaday, marriage-bound "stage." Even being with someone isn't being with someone. And an office is but a well-appointed tomb . . .
I can file papers tomorrow.
good day job,
obviously brilliant
endless appetitel for eating out,
love letters
black hole soul
Boy, why hasn't someone snatched you up, already? And why does the Atlantic Ocean persist in marking such an ungodly distance? Your guesses are as good as mine.