Wandered the Woods of Disappearance for a spell, stumbled over a cliff and fell of the map!
Travelled back to find all my Fave, and many new Devilish Angels here in SG.
Sold Get BIT Radio, new career and started focusing more on hobbies.. So, lot's of changes.
Been working hard on my photography, sold a few prints, dabbled in various styles with numerous subject...
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A new, extremely nice site design and many'a new Ladies with AMAZING ink/art to appreciate here at SG - Thank You Missy for the update, don't mind if I drop in and look about!
If you see me floating about, or catch me in chat - hit me up! I do bite, but I'll wager you'd like it ;)

Finally working on setting things up in the new Studio. Been long enough, to be sure. Have the station Get BIT Rock Radio - For the Best In Tunes, Crank it up... and Get BIT! running from our new location, working the twilight hours...
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It's not that I don't want to talk, quite the contrary. However, I find myself more comfortable reading others thoughts and expressions, then commenting when I feel the urge (keep the Trolling to yourself... I have nigh the patience for it).
I have...
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Moving the Studio, handling the inclement weather and ensuring all of our properties pull through without issues, working with Lucky No.3 Tattoo on getting the new sleeves drawn up.. getting excited about that.
Time to take a break and visit my Favorite Online Hangout/Stress-Relief/Blue-Ball Factory

Keep Rockin, and Don't be afraid to shoot me a...
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thanks for you love in my new set "dust to dust", that's very nice of you
