To many of my so called "friends" I am now calling upon you to take part in my life. I am in very desperate need of a room to rent, or house to share. I have a dog (3 year old 45lbs. short hair black lab, I have heard her bark 6 times since I have had her, very very VERY well trained dog, she stays inside and sleeps with me) and two cats (Eva and Lincoln, the most awsome cats you'll ever meet, they never skratch or fuck things up, on occasion I have found the toilet paper played with, they are both fixed and live in doors and they are all around good cats) Other than animals there is nothing wrong with me, I eat meat but I would like to stop, I love photography, tattoos, being alone, reading and artsy kinda things. I clean up after myself, I flush, I'm very quiet, I have money, I don't do drugs, I only drink margaritas at mexican resturants, I don't smoke and frankly dis-like people that do, only because I get headachs from the smoke. I can pay about five or so hundred a month plus utillitys, I would trade house work and cooking for a break with rent. I and looking in or around Glendora, La Verne, Ontario, Clarmont, Upland. I am not sure of my sexuality but I am in a straight relationship and plan to stay with him (that means I an NOT looking for a fuck buddy!)
I wish you the best, sorry Im not of much use from this distance.... and you're right, sometimes its a VERY small world!