ok here it is,

i'm not in a good mood and i'm not in a bad mood. i don't even know if i still have moods.
where did my soul go? has anyone seen it? i never signed it away i never told anyone they could have it, is it possible to lose one?
so i'm getting tattooed tomarrow by Atom Turk, i'm getting my...
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mm, well you will look beautiful I am sure, I look forward to the set. Make sure you have fun... So you have back up name ready?
ugh! i've been suck a log lately.
home depot called me for an interview.
i really don't want to work there.
i need a good job, but i don't know what i like.
how is it possible to live 22 years and not know what i like? i think life has been sucked out of me.
i miss my harry potter dvd. i can't sleep...
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uummmm...... i dont know what to say .......hot..............disturbing....................horny..........i guess a mixture of all three
Oh harry potter is great to sleep too. Personaly I always need movies to sleep too.
Today has been terrible!!!!
my soon to be ex boyfriend is killing me. i wake up hating him. all he does is tell me how stupid and pointless my life is. when he's a big fat loser himself.
All i did today was look at SG that was the best thing about today.
anyway i'm confused about alot of shit
not to mention the boyfriend...
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No problem. And g'luck with your roommate search. wink
whats the rent? out of curiosity
Today Elisabeth e-mailed me. I have to go in for a test shoot. I'm so excited.
I have my third interveiw for asst manager at hot topic on wednesday.
I'm going to get tattooed at guru soon. i have a frankinstien on my arm and i'll soon be getting his bride.
I have to think of what i want Turk to tattoo on me. I...
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ooo aaa
Well on Thursday I had a meeting with Elisabeth about being a SG model. Wish me luck.
I finally got my neck re-tattooed. it was awsome.
I highly suggest going to San Deigo to get tattooed at GURU tattoo in Pacific Beach. I have 2 tattooes done by Adam Hathorn, and will be getting tattooed by Atom Turk hopefully very soon. Today is house cleaning...
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