Oh man! I have been trying to catch this lil guy for the past couple days. He has surely been taunting me, I know it!!!
Every time I would leave the house he would be there just mad dogging me. Kinda like that... The moment I would head back into the house, get my camera and return.... Gone, vanished, no where in sight.
At this point I am internally screaming STOP!!!! And, he did.
Believe it or not it is tricky to get these fella's to move without them running away. It took a Little more effort than kissing noises and tongue clicks to make him pose pretty.
Symbolically Squirrels represent one of two things, storehouse as in storing things for the winter. Along with the idea of lightening up. Live a little... Seeing as it is the end of a rough semester I think that I will go with lightening up for a change.
Hope everyone had a joyful day and if stress gets you down and uptight remember when you see a squirrel to just lighten up and live a little.