Happy Sunday, today aught to be interesting. I am to join three couples for brunch, I am friends with along with a mutual friend. Both of us are the only single people and well it looks like a set up. Problem is I know she is into some dude from outta state… really “friends”. At least if you’re gonna set someone up know that they’re emotionally available to start.
Anyhow, then later today I will be having dinner with a couple about to say goodbye for the semester….ugghhh that should be “stab-me-in-the-eye-tastic” I could say no thanks and not go but being as I don’t drive and get to get out more I am going to make the best of it. Who knows just being out there in the world could lead to meeting someone.
I am at that moment of bachelorhood where it all feel numb. I am just going through the motions to the next task at hand. I don’t know at times I love being single and the fact that I can do what the hell I want. But then there are the days that I just want someone to curl up with and hold.
I saw online a couple months, maybe a year ago how someone was selling cuddle sessions. At the time although brilliant I though it a silly idea. But now man I could use a cuddle buddy. At the moment everyone I know is either in a relationship or we really have nothing in common. I believe I am in limbo as far as social outlets. It’s kinda like living in a small town and growing up with the same people with the same ideas and you’re the only one screaming for something new.
Well, enough bitching, I hope everyone has the best Sunday possible while I contemplate creative ways to gouge my eyes out at an outback restaurant. May your day be fill with Sundies galore.