Well it's that time of year, school starts this coming Monday. I am having mixed feelings. I am tired of being bored out of my mind. At the same time I am not just ready to dive into the semester. I am taking Five classes one with an hour lab so closer to six. I am not worried about the case load, seeing as I have the same teacher for two of my classes and he just hands out A's. This is kind of good because I can focus on Stats of Psychology, Yay... Not
I don't know I have a problem with teachers that just give A's for showing up. The class is structured in a manor of handout and memorization. You only learn it because it is drilled into you. There is no application involved. I also have a problem with the "Sure that could work" mentality of said teachers. This causes confusion for those that are not quite getting the gist of the subject being taught. But God forbid if you say anything negative about these teachers because everyone loves the one to give you A's. This concerns me for my future. In a way it is for the best cause last class I had with this teacher I learned more because I took it upon myself to learn something rather than just being fed worksheets.
Am I the only one that cannot learn from work sheets. I ended up dropping out of school and getting my GED because of the worksheet mentality. Before Psychology I wanted to be a teacher but due to life I chose to help society in another way. I wanted to work with special education kids. Learning disabilities and behavioral disorders. I wanted the kids that acted up the most. Mainly I wanted the kid that reminded me of me. I was not dumb but just lazy in school. I was put in those classes because I had behavior issues That were not being addressed. As a result I was unable to write a complete sentence when I entered College. Oh my rabbit trail
I am going to sign off with a best of wishes for those that are returning to school and may you retain what you learn and learn from what you retain in its application to life. Study hard learn gracefully and enjoy the experience for all that it is.
For those that are just entering their field of study may you prosper and grow in what ever it is you desire to do.
Peace to all of my lovely SG community.